Mortgage Due-on-Sale Clauses: What Homeowners Need to Know About Garn-St. Germain
Due-on-sale clauses are common in mortgages. A due-on-sale clause allows a lender to demand payment in full on the balance of the loan when the mortgaged property is sold, transferred, or otherwise affected. Fortunately for everyday homeowners, there are exceptions to when a due-on-sale clause can be enforced, thanks to what’s known as the Garn-St. Germain Act.
The Garn-St. Germain Depository Act of 1982 mainly addressed deregulation of savings and loans institutions and took other measures to modernize the financial sector. But it also provided protection for homeowners by forbidding lenders from requiring payment in full in many common circumstances, such as:
- Inheritance by a relative
- Transfer to a spouse or child
- Divorce or legal separation
- Taking out a second mortgage or similar loan
- Renting out the property
If you own interest in a property subject to a mortgage, you should know about due-on-sales clauses and when they can and cannot be enforced. Read on for more specifics on the exceptions listed above and others.
When Mortgage Due-on-Sale Clauses Cannot Be Enforced
The exceptions listed in the Garn-St. Germain Act apply to “residential real property containing less than five dwelling units, including a lien on the stock allocated to a dwelling unit in a cooperative housing corporation, or on a residential manufactured home […]” (*Find 12 U.S. Code section 1701j-3(d) copied in full at the bottom of this post or online here [PDF].)
Situations in which a mortgage’s due-on-sale clause cannot be enforced under the Garn-St. Germain Act:
Transfer of the interest in a property to a family member upon death of the borrower. This is a common situation, as property is often inherited by a spouse, child, or other relative either through a will or other estate planning document or via intestacy laws (i.e., when there is no will). Heirs do not have to worry about satisfying a due-on-sales clause in this case.
Transfer to the surviving joint tenant(s) in a joint tenancy upon the death of the borrower. This situation is common among married and partnered couples in South Carolina who own property as joint tenants with rights of survivorship. When one dies, the property is then wholly owned by the surviving spouse or partner. Lenders cannot enforce a due-on-sales clause when this transfer happens “by devise, descent, or operation of law” – that is, through a will, intestacy laws, or automatically by law.
Note that the statute includes a type of tenant that South Carolina does not recognize, “tenant by the entirety.” Read more about tenancy types in SC on our blog here.
Transfer to a spouse or child. You can transfer your interest in the property to a spouse or child while still alive without having to worry about the due-on-sale clause being enforced.
Transfer to the borrower’s spouse upon divorce or legal separation. If you transfer your interest in the property to your (soon-to-be) ex as the result of the dissolution of marriage, legal separation agreement, or incidental property settlement agreement, the due-on-sale clause cannot be enforced.
Taking out certain loans secured by the property. You can take out a loan that’s subordinate to the primary mortgage without triggering the due-on-sale clause as long as it doesn’t relate to a transfer of rights of occupancy. This includes a second mortgage, a HELOC, or other similar lien or encumbrance.
Renting out the property for no more than a three-year term without the option to purchase. A renter may live in the property for more than three years but should not sign a single lease with a term longer than three years or the lender may be allowed to enforce the due-on-sale clause. Additionally, including an option to buy on a lease of any length means the due-on-sale clause may be enforceable.
Transfer into an inter vivos trust where the borrower remains a beneficiary and the rights of occupancy stay the same. A transfer into an inter vivos trust (also called a living trust) is protected from triggering the due-on-sale clause as long as you are and remain a beneficiary of the trust and occupancy rights don’t change.
Financing household appliances with a purchase money security interest. Getting financing for expensive household appliances through a store’s financing program is often done through a purchase money security interest (PMSI). This specific exception in the Garn-St. Germain Act stops lenders from enforcing due-on-sale clauses when a PMSI is created for household appliances.
In addition to the eight circumstances listed above, due-on-sale clauses are also barred from being enforced upon “any other transfer or disposition described in regulations prescribed by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.”
When Mortgage Due-on-Sale Clauses CAN Be Enforced
We just went over the circumstances in which a lender cannot enforce a mortgage’s due-on-sale clause. But there are still many common situations in which the due-on-sale clause could be enforced, depending on your mortgage’s terms, which you should be aware of. Just some examples include:
- Inheritance of your interest in the property upon your death by a non-relative beneficiary, including a long-term girlfriend/boyfriend
- Transfer during your life to someone other than a spouse or child, such as a parent, sibling, or girlfriend/boyfriend
- Transfer into a trust, except under the specific circumstances described above
- Renting out the property with a lease that lasts longer than three years and/or provides an option to buy
This list is not exhaustive. If in doubt, speak to your mortgage lender and to an attorney about your situation.
What happens if the due-on-sale clause is enforced? In the worst-case scenario, the lender can begin foreclosure proceedings on the house if the borrower can’t pay. More likely, the new owner(s) can take out a new mortgage that will satisfy the old mortgage. Still, this may not be ideal, especially at times when interest rates are high.
Estate Planning, Problem Solving, and More – Call Gem McDowell
Many people do not read mortgage documents thoroughly before signing, so it can come as an unwelcome surprise to have the mortgage lender demand payment in full on the loan citing a due-on-sale clause. That’s why it’s important to know about the due-on-sale clause and when it can and can’t be enforced.
Smart estate planning can help you avoid unwelcome surprises, save your family headaches, and carry out your wishes now and after you’re gone. For help with wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and more, call estate planning attorney Gem McDowell. He and his team help individuals and families in South Carolina create up-to-date estate plans for smart planning and peace of mind. Schedule your free consultation or appointment at the Myrtle Beach or Mt. Pleasant, SC office by calling 843-284-1021 today.
*Text from the Garn-St. Germain Depository Act of 1982, 12 U.S. Code Section 1701j-3, subsection (d):
(d) Exemption of specified transfers or dispositions
With respect to a real property loan secured by a lien on residential real property containing less than five dwelling units, including a lien on the stock allocated to a dwelling unit in a cooperative housing corporation, or on a residential manufactured home, a lender may not exercise its option pursuant to a due-on-sale clause upon—
(1) the creation of a lien or other encumbrance subordinate to the lender’s security instrument which does not relate to a transfer of rights of occupancy in the property;
(2) the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appliances;
(3) a transfer by devise, descent, or operation of law on the death of a joint tenant or tenant by the entirety;
(4) the granting of a leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchase;
(5) a transfer to a relative resulting from the death of a borrower;
(6) a transfer where the spouse or children of the borrower become an owner of the property;
(7) a transfer resulting from a decree of a dissolution of marriage, legal separation agreement, or from an incidental property settlement agreement, by which the spouse of the borrower becomes an owner of the property;
(8) a transfer into an inter vivos trust in which the borrower is and remains a beneficiary and which does not relate to a transfer of rights of occupancy in the property; or
(9) any other transfer or disposition described in regulations prescribed by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
The Omitted Spouse: When the Spouse is Left Out of the Will
What happens if you leave your spouse out of your will? Or your spouse leaves you out of his or her will?
This happens more often than you think. Many couples get married after one or both partners already executed a last will, meaning the new spouse has been unintentionally left out.
But that doesn’t mean the surviving spouse receives nothing. The law provides for the omitted spouse so that he or she is not unintentionally disinherited.
What the Omitted Spouse is Entitled To
Under South Carolina Code section 62-2-301, an omitted spouse is entitled to the same share of the testator’s estate that would have been received had the testator died without a will.
South Carolina intestacy laws determine the share of inheritance in such cases. If the testator dies with no children, the spouse inherits everything (i.e., all the assets subject to probate). If the testator dies with a spouse and children, the surviving spouse is entitled to 50% of the estate. The remaining 50% is divided according to the terms of the will.
The omitted spouse does not automatically receive the assets but must claim his or her share within a certain time frame.
When the Omitted Spouse Provision Does Not Apply – Spousal Elective Share
The purpose of the omitted spouse is to provide for a spouse left out of the will unintentionally.
But what if the spouse was left out of the will intentionally?
Under the same law cited above, if it appears that the omission was intentional or if the testator provided for the spouse through transfers outside of the will, then the omitted spouse provision does not apply.
The surviving spouse may still make a claim for elective share, however. A surviving spouse is entitled to one third of the testator’s probate estate in South Carolina even if the testator intentionally left the spouse out of the will. That’s because the only way to legally disinherit a spouse in South Carolina is to have both partners knowingly sign a waiver of elective share. (Read more about disinheriting a spouse and spousal elective share here on our blog.)
The Solution: An Intentional and Current Estate Plan
Laws regarding omitted spouses and elective share have helped many people who would otherwise have been disinherited. But having a purposeful, up-to-date will and estate plan is better than relying on the law to carry out your wishes.
For help with last wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and other estate planning documents, call estate planning attorney at the Gem McDowell Law Group. Gem and his team help individuals and families in South Carolina create estate plans that take into account unique circumstances, carry out personal wishes, and give peace of mind.
Whether you’ve never had an estate plan drawn up before or your existing plan is in need of a review, Gem and his team can help. Call today to schedule a free consultation virtually or at the Myrtle Beach or Mt. Pleasant, SC, at 843-284-1021.
I Want to Be Cremated; Does My Family Have to Follow My Wishes?
The short answer is “Yes, IF…”
Yes, If You Complete a Pre-Need Cremation Authorization Form
South Carolina law (Chapter 8 Title 32) provides that an individual may pre-authorize their own cremation. This pre-authorization is a legally binding agreement between the individual and his or her chosen crematory that gives the crematory permission to cremate the individual’s remains.
You can download the PDF of this form here or find it on the South Carolina Labor Licensing Regulation website here (scroll down to the “Forms” section, click on “Cremation Forms,” and select “Cremation Authorization – Pre-Need”).
This form must be signed in ink by the individual requesting cremation services in the presence of two witnesses. It remains enforceable unless and until the individual provides written notice to the funeral establishment and the crematory.
Are Cremation Wishes in a Last Will Legally Binding?
No. Many people choose to include their last wishes relating to funeral arrangements, burials, cremation, and so on, in their last will, but they are not legally binding. If you live in South Carolina and your wish is to be cremated, you should consider filling out the pre-need cremation authorization form linked above.
Get Help with Estate Planning in South Carolina
What will happen to your assets and your remains when you die? Decide for yourself by creating an up-to-date estate plan to help ensure your last wishes are known and followed after you’re gone.
For help with last wills, living wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and more, call Gem McDowell at the Gem McDowell Law Group in Myrtle Beach and Mt. Pleasant, SC. Gem and his team help individuals and families in South Carolina review and create comprehensive estate plans for peace of mind. Call 843-284-1021 today to schedule a free consultation or get in touch through this form.
What is a Trust Protector and When Do You Need a Trust Protector?
If you know anything about trusts, you have likely heard of the roles of settlor (aka grantor), beneficiary, and trustee. But there’s another role to know about: the trust protector.
Let’s look at what a trust protector is, who can be a trust protector, and the advantages and disadvantages of appointing one for your trust.
What is a Trust Protector and What Does a Trust Protector Do?
A trust protector, or simply “protector,” is an individual or entity whose primary role is to ensure the trust is being carried out in accordance with the settlor’s original wishes. Trust protectors were most commonly seen in asset-protecting offshore trusts in the 1980s and 1990s, but they have since become more popular for all kinds of trusts in the U.S. and many other nations.
What does a trust protector protect against? Depending on the circumstances, the trust protector may protect the trust from various threats or risks including trustee misconduct, mismanagement, or incapacity; disputes among beneficiaries and/or trustee(s); changing laws that adversely affect the trust; ill-advised financial decisions; and more.
Common powers and responsibilities may allow a trust protector to:
- Oversee trust administration to ensure it’s in compliance with applicable laws and with the settlor’s wishes
- Require trustee to get trust protector’s consent before taking certain actions such as investing or distributing funds
- Modify the trustee’s powers
- Remove or replace trustees
- Change the beneficiary or beneficiaries
- Adjust as needed in response to changing circumstances
A trust protector may have all or some of the powers listed above, and more. The exact powers and responsibilities are enumerated either in the trust instrument itself or in a separate document.
Who Can Be a Trust Protector?
In theory, anyone of legal age who is mentally competent can be appointed trust protector, other than a trustee. Even the settlor/grantor may serve as the trust protector (and often does). Entities such as banks, law firms, and corporations may also serve as trust protectors.
In practice, it can be challenging to find the right individual or entity to effectively fill the role. The ideal candidate should have the right experience and knowledge, including knowing relevant state and federal laws, tax and reporting requirements, and the trustee’s powers and responsibilities, for a start. A trust protector should also be an impartial third party with no conflict of interest, meaning the individual or entity should not have any financial stake in the trust or how it’s handled.
Above all, a trust protector should be someone the settlor can rely on to carry out their wishes, which is why settlors often select a family friend or close acquaintance whom they trust implicitly.
Does Every Trust Need a Trust Protector? Advantages of Appointing a Trust Protector
No, not every trust needs one, but we strongly recommend a trust protector in the following situations:
- A troubled beneficiary. If the beneficiary has issues with drugs, alcohol, or excessive spending, a trust protector – such as a family friend or counselor – can be helpful in finding the right trustee to handle the trust. The two can work together to ensure the trust is not misused.
- Specific investments. A grantor may wish to appoint a trust protector to help direct the investment of trust assets in a particular “family way” that the trustee might not be familiar with.
Outside of these specific circumstances, here are just some of the main advantages of having a trust protector that any trust can benefit from:
Flexibility to respond to changing circumstances. Changes in family/beneficiary situations, tax code, and estate planning laws can adversely affect a trust. Trust protectors have powers trustees don’t (and legally cannot) have that allow them to alter the trust in response to new circumstances. This can reduce tax liabilities and ensure the trust reflects the settlor’s wishes long after the settlor is gone.
Oversight over the trustee. Trust protectors can also serve as an additional layer of protection against mismanagement by the trustee(s). This is more important than ever, as the powers of trustees have grown over time. Oversight by a third party (the trust protector) can help prevent intentional or unintentional mishandling by the trustee(s) that can harm the beneficiaries’ interests and endanger the trust.
Conflict resolution. Trust protectors can also act as informal mediators when disputes arise. Beneficiaries may fight among themselves, and trustees and beneficiaries often have competing goals, which can lead to strife and litigation. (Read about how one such conflict ended up in the SC Court of Appeals here on our blog.) A skilled trust protector can step in at the first signs of conflict and resolve the matter amicably, potentially avoiding litigation and strained relationships.
Depending on your circumstances and goals, you may gain additional advantages by appointing a trust protector for your trust. This is something to speak with your estate planning attorney about.
What if you didn’t appoint a trust protector in the original trust document? That’s not a problem. A settlor can add a trust protector later.
Downsides of Having a Trust Protector
What are the risks and disadvantages of having a trust protector? Some possible downsides include:
Higher fees. Not all trust protectors are compensated for their role, but some are. Trust protectors who are fiduciaries (with a fiduciary duty to the beneficiary or beneficiaries) are typically compensated. Depending on the terms of the trust, having a trust protector can be expensive and can diminish the trust’s assets.
Potential for challenges. Trusts have been around for centuries, and by now the roles and responsibilities of the grantor/settlor, trustee, and beneficiary are clear. But the role of trust protector is relatively new, and relevant case law in South Carolina is sparse. The potential for lawsuits and legal challenges over a trust protector’s actions shouldn’t be ignored.
Needless complexity. A trust protector may end up bringing conflict, indecision, or poor judgment to the situation. This is why it’s crucial to take the time to select the right trust protector. No trust protector at all is better than an ineffective and incompetent one.
For Help with Trusts and Estate Planning, Call the Gem McDowell Law Group
Trusts are excellent instruments for estate planning, but they can be complex. For help creating or amending a trust, or for advice on appointing a trust protector for your trust, talk with Gem McDowell. Gem helps individuals and families in South Carolina create estate plans tailored to their unique circumstances and wishes. He’s also a problem solver who can help you tackle tricky family or inheritance situations and avoid mistakes.
Call Gem and his team at their Myrtle Beach or Mount Pleasant, SC office today to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation at (843) 284-1021, or reach out to us through this form.
Changing the Rules Mid-Game: What the Connelly v U.S. Decision Means for Closely Held Corporations
If you are a shareholder in a closely held corporation, you need to know about the June 2024 decision from the U.S. Supreme Court case Connelly v. United States (2024). This decision (find it here) could have dramatic consequences for your business and for you, personally, as a shareholder.
Here’s the central issue:
Should life insurance proceeds paid to a closely held corporation to buy out a deceased shareholder’s portion of the business be counted as a non-offsettable asset for the purposes of calculating the decedent’s federal estate taxes?
The U.S. Supreme Court says YES.
The issue is somewhat convoluted. The upshot is that this decision allows the IRS, in some circumstances, to essentially “tax” a portion of previously untaxable life insurance proceeds without directly taxing them. Instead, it’s done by counting the life insurance proceeds as a business asset that cannot be offset, thus increasing the deceased shareholder’s share of the company at time of death and increasing their taxable estate – and possibly creating a federal estate tax liability.
This is a drastic change from what has previously been done. It’s like changing the rules while you’re in the middle of the game; you were expecting to pass Go and collect $200, but now you owe $300.
Below, we’ll look at the background of Connelly and the court’s reasoning, then discuss what it could mean for you and the other shareholders in your closely held corporation.
Note that today’s blog is just an introduction to the topic. Since this decision is so new, it’s not clear how things will shake out; it will take some time for business owners and their attorneys to determine the best course of action moving forward. But for now, we wanted to put this on your radar. We recommend speaking with your own business attorney and/or estate planning attorney about the potential consequences for you if you are an owner in a closely held corporation. (And if you do not yet have a business attorney or estate planning attorney in South Carolina, call us at the Gem McDowell Law Group at 843-284-1021 to talk.)
Connelly vs United States (2024) Summary
Briefly: Michael and Thomas Connelly were brothers and together owned a building supply company, Crown C Supply (Crown). They had an agreement to ensure the business would stay in the family if either brother died. The surviving brother would have the option to purchase the shares first, and if not, then Crown would be required to purchase the deceased brother’s shares. The corporation purchased life insurance policies of $3.5 million on each brother to this end.
Michael died in 2013 owning 77.18% of the business (385.9 of 500 shares) at death, with his brother Thomas owning the remaining 22.82%. Thomas declined to buy the shares, so Crown redeemed them for $3 million, an amount agreed upon by Michael’s son and Thomas.
Michael’s federal tax return for the year of his death was audited by the IRS. As part of the audit, an accounting firm valued the business at Michael’s death at $3.86 million, with his 77.18% share amounting to approximately $3 million. The analyst followed the holding of Estate of Blount v Commissioner of Internal Revenue (2005) that stated life insurance proceeds should be deducted from the value of a corporation when the proceeds are “offset by an obligation to pay those proceeds to the estate in a stock buyout.”
But the IRS argued that Crown’s obligation to buy back the stock did not offset the life insurance proceeds. The $3 million in life insurance proceeds should be added to the assets of the business, the IRS argued, making the total value of Crown at Michael’s death $3.86 million + $3 million = $6.86 million. Michael’s 77.18% share of this larger amount would be approximately $5.3 million, and based on this, the IRS said Michael’s estate owed an additional $889,914 in taxes.
Michael’s estate paid these taxes, and Thomas, as Michael’s executor, later sued the United States for a refund. The case went before the Supreme Court in March 2024.
The Supreme Court’s Reasoning
In its decision, the court states two points that “all agree” on:
- The value of a decedent’s shares in a closely held corporation must reflect the corporation’s fair market value for the purposes of calculating federal estate tax; and
- Life insurance proceeds payable to a corporation are an asset that increase the corporation’s fair market value.
The question, then, is whether the obligation to pay out those life insurance proceeds offset the asset, effectively canceling itself out.
The Supreme Court’s answer: No.
The reasoning: “An obligation to redeem shares at fair market value does not offset the value of the life-insurance proceeds set aside for the redemption because a share redemption at fair market value does not affect any shareholder’s economic interest.” The court says that no willing buyer would treat the obligation as a factor that reduced the value of the shares.
Also, for the calculating estate taxes, the point is to assess how much an owner’s shares are worth at the time of death. In this case, it was before Crown paid out the $3 million to buy Michael’s shares. Therefore, that $3 million should be added to the value of the business’s assets and income generating potential, valued at $3.86 million.
This decision will likely affect millions of business owners and trillions of dollars. Depending on your personal and business circumstances, it could affect you, too.
What This Means for You: Federal Estate Taxes
The most important thing to know about federal estate taxes is that the laws affecting them can and do change regularly. (This is one big reason it’s important to have your estate plan reviewed regularly to ensure it’s up to date with current law. Read about the unintended consequences of an out-of-date estate plan here on our blog.)
The majority of individuals subject to U.S. taxes who die in 2024 will not be subject to federal estate taxes; only about 0.2% were expected to in 2023, according to a Tax Policy Center estimate. Currently, if an individual dies in 2024 with a taxable estate valued below $13,610,000, no federal estate tax needs to be paid. This amount doubles to $27,220,000 for married couples filing jointly.
But the “applicable exclusion amount” (also called the “unified tax credit” or “unified credit”) has not always been so high. For many years, it was just $600,000. The current unified tax credit amount is set to expire at the end of 2025, after which it will revert to a lower amount (expected to be around $7 million), unless Congress passes more legislation changing it first.
When Michael Connelly died in 2013, the unified tax credit amount according to the IRS was $5,250,000. Valuing his share of the business at death at $5.3 million rather than $3 million meant he had a larger taxable estate and owed additional federal taxes.
What does this mean for you? This makes estate planning tricky. You can’t know for sure when you’ll die or what the applicable exclusion amount will be that year. Depending on the value of your business and your personal assets, your estate may owe federal estate taxes you weren’t anticipating. The bottom line: If you have a buy-sell agreement and it is funded with life insurance, have it reviewed by an attorney ASAP.
What This Means for You: Succession Planning Going Forward
It’s common for shareholders in a family-owned closely held corporation to have buy-sell agreements that would keep the business in the family should a shareholder die. (Read more about buy-sell agreements on our blog here.) To that end, life insurance policies are often taken out on the shareholders to ensure funds are available to buy out the deceased shareholder’s shares at death.
For years, many business owners have had the corporation itself buy and maintain those life insurance policies on each shareholder. The proceeds went directly to the corporation and were not taxed. Additionally, they did not increase the value of the business, and thus the value of the deceased shareholder’s portion, at the time of the shareholder’s death.
Until now.
What does this mean for you? Now that this has changed after Connelly, shareholders in a closely held corporation may reconsider having the corporation purchase and maintain life insurance policies on its owners.
One option suggested in the Connelly opinion is for the shareholders to take out life insurance policies on each other in a “cross-purchase agreement.” The court acknowledges that this comes with its own set of problems, however, including different tax consequences and the necessity for each shareholder to maintain policies on the other shareholders.
Another potential option is to set up a separate LLC to maintain life insurance policies on the shareholders. In the event of a shareholder death, the LLC – not the corporation itself – would buy out the decedent’s share. This is one possible new solution to this new problem, but it is not yet tried and tested.
Finally, shareholders may continue to have the corporation purchase and maintain life insurance policies with the knowledge that each shareholder should create an estate plan for their personal assets that helps avoid federal estate taxes.
Watch This Space
As the dust settles from this decision, we’ll keep on top of it and come back with more information and advice.
Just remember – the law is not set in stone. Congress passes new legislation and courts render decisions regularly that can affect individuals and business owners. It can be hard to keep up with all the changes, which is why it’s important to have an attorney you can rely on to help keep your estate plan current and your business thriving.
Call Gem at the Gem McDowell Law Group in Myrtle Beach and Mt. Pleasant, SC. He and his team help South Carolina individuals and families create and review estate plans to protect assets and avoid family disputes. He also helps with the creation, purchase, sale, protection, and growth of South Carolina businesses through the creation of corporate governance documents, contracts, problem solving, and more. Call 843-284-1021 today to schedule a free consultation or fill out this form. We look forward to hearing from you.
How to Disinherit a Spouse in South Carolina Through Elective Share Waiver (Or: Pillow Talk Is Not Enforceable)
A lady came to our offices for help with her estate plan which included setting up a new trust to hold her assets. She planned to leave everything to her kids and nothing to her husband, which she said her husband had agreed to. He never signed anything on paper to that effect, but she insisted that he was okay with the arrangement.
Literally the following week, she died. Her husband then filed for elective share, which is the portion of a deceased person’s estate that a surviving spouse is entitled to by law. There was nothing barring the husband from receiving a portion of his wife’s estate, despite her wishes.
What could the wife have done differently?
Below we’ll look at elective share and how to disinherit a spouse in South Carolina.
Elective Share in South Carolina
A surviving spouse is entitled to a portion of the deceased spouse’s estate under the law regardless of the terms of the deceased spouse’s will. This portion is called the elective share, or spousal elective share. The portion the surviving spouse can claim varies by state; in South Carolina, it’s one third.
The surviving spouse may claim elective share even if the couple was estranged or in divorce proceedings at the time at the time of death. We previously covered a case on this blog in which a surviving spouse was able to claim elective share after the court granted the couple’s divorce, since the husband happened to die in between the court’s decision and the clerk filing and recording the divorce decree. [Read about that case, Hatchell-Freeman v. Freeman (2000) here.]
What the Surviving Spouse is Entitled To
In South Carolina, the surviving spouse is entitled to one third of the deceased spouse’s estate. This third includes assets that are not subject to probate, such as life insurance proceeds, retirement accounts, property owned jointly with right of survivorship, and assets in revocable trusts. The value of these and other interests due to the surviving spouse count towards the elective share first, along with the value of anything that was renounced or disclaimed. Only then is the balance due taken from the probate estate.
Claiming elective share usually means a surviving spouse will inherit assets that would otherwise have gone to other heirs named in the deceased spouse’s will. Because of this, the surviving spouse has a duty under South Carolina code Section 62-2-205(b) to inform recipients of the probate estate whose interests are adversely affected of the time and date of the hearing set to determine elective share.
Disinheriting a Spouse in South Carolina: A WRITTEN Waiver of Elective Share
The laws regarding elective share ensure that a spouse is not easily disinherited.
But an individual can fully disinherit a spouse in South Carolina. This may happen, for example, in blended families when each spouse wants to leave their assets to their own children and knows that the other spouse is financially secure. Or an individual may wish to disinherit a spouse because of estrangement or separation.
Whatever the reason, it’s important to know that drawing up a will or creating an estate plan that intentionally leaves out the spouse is not enough. The couple must take active steps to disinherit a spouse in South Carolina.
Written Waiver of Elective Share
A spouse may voluntarily agree to give up all or part of their elective share. The spouse who is to be disinherited must agree to waive the right to elective share in writing. Such a waiver is often part of a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement but may be a standalone document.
The spouse waiving their right to elective share in whole or in part must be fully aware of what they are giving up. South Carolina code Section 62-2-204 requires that the disinheriting spouse provide “fair and reasonable” disclosures of their property and financial obligations in writing to the waiving spouse.
Schedule a Free Consultation with Estate Planning Attorney Gem McDowell
For legal help and advice on waiver of elective share, prenuptial or postnuptial agreements, probate, or other estate planning concerns, call Gem McDowell of the Gem McDowell Law Group of Mt. Pleasant and Myrtle Beach. Gem and his team help families in the greater Charleston and Myrtle Beach areas create and review estate plans to help ensure their wishes are carried out.
Gem can also help you understand the consequences and potential downsides of your estate plan. Sometimes estate plans created with the best of intentions can lead to unintended consequences, disputes, and fractured relationships between family members and heirs.
If you have a complicated family situation, a large estate, or you simply want a basic estate plan put in place for your peace of mind, call Gem and his team today at 843-284-1021.
What is Family Malpractice™, and Have You Committed It?
Have you committed Family Malpractice™?
If you’ve neglected your legal responsibilities regarding your family, then yes, you have.
What is Family Malpractice™?
You’ve heard of attorney malpractice, where an attorney’s misconduct causes problems for a client, and you’ve heard of medical malpractice, where a doctor’s error or negligence causes problems for a patient. Similarly, Family Malpractice™ is when an individual causes problems for his/her family members, usually because of failure to take action on a legal matter.
Problems that are created can be legal, financial, and/or familial in nature. I’ve seen a decedent’s heirs have to go through years of expensive and stressful legal battles over how to divide up assets. I’ve seen people take a huge financial hit because of how property was handled after the owner’s death. I’ve seen families torn apart and relationships permanently ruined due to Family Malpractice™.
While it’s not something you can be prosecuted for, Family Malpractice™ is something to avoid. You can easily do so by knowing some of the common pitfalls that put your family in peril legally and financially, and how to avoid these easily avoidable situations yourself.
When You Have Children but Have No Will, That’s Family Malpractice™
Do you know what happens in South Carolina if you die without a will, leaving behind a spouse and children? When I ask this question in consultations or at live, in-person seminars, most people believe that 100% of the deceased’s probate estate goes to the spouse. This is incorrect. By state statute, the deceased’s probate estate is divided evenly between the spouse, who gets 50%, and the children, who share the remaining 50% among themselves.
This sounds reasonable and fair. But, as straightforward as it sounds, this simple arrangement can cause a lot of problems, usually for the spouse. For instance, if a husband and father dies intestate (without a will), his half of the house is divided equally between his surviving wife and children. So his wife now owns 75% of the house and the children own the other 25%. If she’s not able to keep up with the house payments and wants to downsize, she can’t sell unless her children agree. They then have leverage and can demand more than the 25% of the sales price of the home, or else simply refuse to sell.
Who would do this to their own mother, you ask? Plenty of people, unfortunately. I’ve seen scenarios like these play out many times in my 30+ years of being an attorney. Situations like these can ruin a person financially in their later years and destroy family relationships irrevocably.
The situation becomes even more complicated in blended families where one or both spouses have children from a previous marriage. Imagine then, the surviving spouse may own 75% of the house and the children from a previous marriage own the other 25%. The children from the previous marriage are not required to cooperate with the surviving spouse. They can veto a sale, refinance, etc. They essentially control the property. That is not what the decedent wanted, and that decedent committed Family Malpractice™ with regards to the surviving spouse.
In short, the way an estate is passed along and divided up according to South Carolina law may not be what an individual wants, but if they die intestate, they don’t get a choice – and their heirs have to live with the consequences.
The solution: Have a will drawn up. This is vital if you have a family and especially if you have anything other than a small estate. Dying without a will can potentially create a lot of problems for your heirs that could have been avoided with a current estate plan.
When You Don’t Probate Your Deceased Mom or Dad’s Estate, That’s Family Malpractice™
The idea of a family home being passed down from generation to generation is something many people aspire to. Passing on wealth in the form of real property to your children, and to their children in turn, and so on, is a wonderful gift.
At least, it can be. It’s not uncommon for property passed on after death to become “heirs property,” which can cause a lot of problems for the heirs. This can happen when the surviving children of the original, now-deceased homeowner continue to live in the home but don’t go through the proper legal process to put the property in the new owners’ names. That is going through the probate process. If the same situation repeats for a few generations in a row, you can end up with literally dozens of people (typically, the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of the original owner) who all have legal claims to the property, all while the property is still technically in the original owner’s name.
Why is this such a problem? Because it’s very difficult to sell a house like this, when there are so many owners and a cloudy title. A buyer interested in the property risks having the deal fall through if one of the many owners decides they want more than their proportional share of the sales price or refuses to sell altogether. Getting the title cleared takes extra time and money. Meanwhile, the family members who own the house cannot sell and take the equity in the house, and they may be barred from accessing things that require clear title of ownership, like mortgages, loans, and government programs.
The solution: Ensure your deceased parent’s estate goes through probate. The probate process does not happen automatically; it’s something the executor named in the will must carry out. If there is no will, the probate court names an executor, usually a child or close relative of the deceased.
There are a few roadblocks keeping people from ensuring a deceased parent’s estate goes through probate. One is simply not knowing that it’s needed; they may incorrectly assume that the ownership of the house legally passes from the parent to the child(ren) without having to do anything. Another reason is an aversion to having to pay a lot to probate the estate. But in SC, probate fees are not very high. For instance, probate fees on an estate worth $1 million is just $1,845, which is paid out of the estate, as are attorney’s fees. Finally, some people want to avoid dealing with the government altogether. While this may be understandable, it’s not a good reason to avoid probate. Working with an experienced probate attorney you trust can help you and ensure that your estate is handled legally and fairly.
Read more about probate here on our blog.
When You Don’t Take the 1014(e) Step-Up in Basis, That’s Family Malpractice™
A step-up in basis occurs when the cost basis of an asset, like a home, is adjusted from the original cost basis to the current fair market value upon the death of the owner.
Let’s say your parents bought a house 20 years ago for $150,000, and when you inherited it upon their deaths, it was worth $350,000. If you don’t take the step-up in basis and proceed to sell it, you’ll have to pay capital gains tax on the difference, which is $200,000. If instead you do take the step-up in basis, and have the cost basis of the house increased to $350,000 (the fair market value at the time of your parents’ deaths), then you’ll only pay capital gains tax on the difference between $350,000 and whatever you sell it for in the future.
Depending on the value of the house, and how much that value has grown over time, that can mean saving a lot of money in taxes. When someone does not take this step-up in basis, it can lead to very large tax bills when the time comes to sell the property. There are a few reasons a person may fail to do so; they may not even know that the option exists, or they may mistakenly assume that it happens automatically.
The solution: Take the step-up in basis on property in an estate that you are executor of, or ensure that the executor of your parents’ estate does so. The probate attorney handling the estate can help you. As a probate attorney, my goal is to get the largest step-up in basis possible for my clients in order to reduce their tax liability in the future.
Work with Estate Planning Attorney Gem McDowell
Wills, probate, and step-up in basis are things that most people don’t think about because it’s outside the scope of daily life. But failing to take care of these matters is what I call Family Malpractice™, and it can lead to major legal and financial hassles in the future. Even more devastating, it can cause rifts between family members as they fight over assets in and out of court. Fortunately, these issues are completely avoidable. Work with an estate planning attorney and probate attorney to ensure your estate plan is solid and current and that you’re handling your deceased relatives’ estates correctly.
If you have questions about creating or revising your own estate plan in South Carolina, or you want advice or assistance handling the estate of a deceased relative, contact Gem McDowell at the Gem McDowell Law Group today. Gem has over 30 years of experience as an attorney and has helped countless families in South Carolina create estate plans, avoid mistakes, and fix problems. He and his team can help you understand and avoid committing Family Malpractice™ that can harm your family. Call him at his Mount Pleasant office today at 843-284-1021 to schedule a free consultation.
What Happens to Your Estate If You Die During a Divorce in South Carolina? Spousal Elective Share
Imagine this scenario:
Husband and Wife have been married for many years. One day, Wife files for divorce. At a hearing a few months later, the divorce is granted.
Husband dies about a week later.
A few days after that, the final divorce decree is signed by the judge, then filed with the clerk.
The tragic and unlikely timing of Husband’s death brings up some important questions.
- Were Husband and Wife still married when he died because the decree wasn’t yet signed and filed?
- Or were they already divorced because the divorce had been officially granted by the court?
- Would Wife be entitled to part of Husband’s estate as a surviving spouse?
This exact situation happened in South Carolina in the late 90s and ended up before the South Carolina Court of Appeals in the 2000 case Hatchell-Freeman v Freeman. It’s an interesting case to know for anyone contemplating or going through a divorce in South Carolina as it answers the questions above.
Dying Before Divorce Is Finalized: Hatchell-Freeman v. Freeman (2000)
In the Hatchell-Freeman case (read it here), Angela Hatchell-Freeman filed for divorce on June 21, 1996. The divorce was granted at a hearing on September 27, 1996, and ten days later, on October 7, Husband died. The final order granting the divorce was signed on October 10, and the following day the order was filed.
In December, father of the decedent Gilbert Freeman filed a petition to be appointed personal representative of his late son’s estate, which the court granted. He did not list Hatchell-Freeman as an intestate heir or as “a person having a prior or equal right of appointment.”
In January, Hatchell-Freeman filed a notice of election by surviving spouse for her intestate share – aka “elective share,” which is a portion of the decedent’s estate the surviving spouse is entitled to by statute. The probate court ruled that she was entitled to elective share.
She also filed a petition to be appointed personal representative, which would mean removing Gilbert Freeman from the role. The probate court ruled that she had had “adequate” time to file – over three months since her husband’s death – and so denied her petition.
Both parties appealed.
The Circuit Court’s Findings
The circuit court affirmed the probate court’s finding that Hatchell-Freeman was the wife of the decedent at the time of his death and therefore entitled to her elective share.
However, it found that she had a superior right to serve as personal representative. Gilbert Freeman was removed from the role and replaced by Hatchell-Freeman.
Gilbert Freeman then appealed.
The SC Court of Appeals
The appeals court affirmed the circuit court’s findings.
It found that the couple was indeed married at the time of Husband’s death, making Hatchell-Freeman eligible to receive her elective share of the estate. The fact that the divorce had been granted at the final hearing before Husband’s death was irrelevant, as South Carolina Code 62-2-802(c) (1987) is clear: “A divorce or annulment is not final until signed by the court and filed in the office of the clerk of court.”
The court also affirmed the lower court’s decision to replace Gilbert Freeman with Hatchell-Freeman as personal representative. SC Code 62-3-203(a) (1999) lists in order which individual should be given priority for the role of personal representative, and when there is no will naming a personal representative (as in this case, since Husband died intestate), a surviving spouse has priority over other heirs.
Although it may not have been Husband’s intention for the woman he was divorcing to inherit any portion of his estate, that’s what happened. But was there something he could have done to prevent it?
(Technically) Married at Time of Death: Spousal Elective Share in South Carolina
As stated above, a surviving spouse is entitled to spousal elective share, which is a portion of the deceased spouse’s estate. The concept of elective share originates from English common law and is widespread across the US, with different laws governing elective share in different states.
In South Carolina, a surviving spouse may claim one third of the decedent’s probate estate. (“Probate estate” is defined in SC Code Section 62-2-202 as “the decedent’s property passing under the decedent’s will plus the decedent’s property passing by intestacy, reduced by funeral and administration expenses and enforceable claims.”) This is a minimum; the testator or testatrix can of course leave more than one third of their estate to their spouse in their will.
It doesn’t matter whether the decedent had a will or not; whether the couple was separated at the time of decedent’s death, divorce pending; or even whether the decedent had purposely left the surviving spouse out of the will in an attempt to disinherit them. The surviving spouse is legally entitled to their elective share.
In short, if you die before your divorce is signed and filed, your spouse is entitled to claim a portion of your estate under South Carolina law even if that’s not what you want. The only exception is if your spouse has waived their right to elective share, typically via a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.
Reviewing and Revising Your Estate Plan During or After Life Events – Call Attorney Gem McDowell
If you’ve recently undergone a major life event like divorce, marriage, or birth of a child, you should consider contacting an estate planning attorney to review your last will, powers of attorney, and other estate planning documents. It’s a good opportunity to ensure that your estate plan is in line with your current wishes and life situation.
For help with estate planning, asset protection, and contracts including prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements, contact attorney Gem McDowell. He and his team at the Gem McDowell Law Group can help you with your estate planning needs before, during, and after a divorce. Call him at his Mt. Pleasant office at 843-284-1021 today to schedule a free consultation.
Risks for Personal Representatives: When Distributing Assets Becomes a Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Oftentimes, a personal representative (executor) in charge of settling a decedent’s estate is also a named heir who may be entitled to assets under the terms of the will. In real life, this looks like a daughter settling the estate of her deceased father, or a husband handling the estate of his deceased wife, or something similar.
This can lead to potentially complicated situations. A personal representative has a fiduciary duty to the estate, meaning they are legally required to act in the best interest of the estate and its heirs. But they may be faced with the possibility of distributing assets to themselves in a way that benefits them to the detriment of another beneficiary, which would be a breach of their fiduciary duty. (To learn more about the rights, roles, responsibilities, and risks of being a personal representative in South Carolina, read more on our blog here.)
How does a personal representative know if the way they are distributing the estate’s assets is fair or if they are giving themselves an advantage in breach of fiduciary duty? Sometimes it’s not entirely clear. This was the central issue in the 2022 South Carolina Supreme Court case Bennett vs Estate of James Kelly King (read here). The court ultimately went against the conclusions of the probate court, circuit court, and appeals court. How did that happen, and what does it mean for personal representatives in South Carolina?
The Background: A Blended Family, a Valid but Old Will, and Complications
This case is admittedly convoluted, but it’s important to get into the details of the background and the will itself in order to understand the law and the way the courts interpreted it.
Testatrix Jacquelin K. Stevenson (Testatrix) died in September 2007, leaving behind six children: two sons and two daughters from her marriage to Thomas Stevenson, a son by former marriage, and a stepdaughter.
The practical question at the heart of this case is who should receive ownership of the family’s vacation house in Lake Summit, NC. The parties are Testatrix’s two daughters from her marriage to Thomas Stevenson, Jacquelin S. Bennett and Kathleen S. Turner (Petitioners), and her stepdaughter Genevieve Stevenson Felder (Respondent).
The intended distributions of the will
Testatrix had a valid will dated October 1996 that directed distributions of her existing assets at the time in the following way:
- The house on Wadmalaw Island, SC to her two daughters with Thomas Stevenson (Petitioners)
- The house in Lake Summit, NC to her two sons with Thomas Stevenson
- A bequest of $400,000 to her son James Kelly King
- A bequest of $400,000 to her stepdaughter (Respondent)
- Any property in the residuary estate to be divided “in equal shares” among the six children
Clear enough. But complications arose quickly afterwards.
First, her sons with Thomas Stevenson, Thomas Stevenson III and Daniel Stevenson II, stole millions from the estate as co-trustees from 1996 to 2006. As a result, the Petitioners were named co-personal representatives, the sons were cut out from receiving anything from the estate including the Lake Summit house, and there wasn’t enough cash in the estate to pay the bequests of $400,000 each to King and Petitioner. (King’s interest in the residuary estate was later bought out by Petitioners and Respondent, which is why he is not involved in this action.)
Additionally, Testatrix had acquired two more properties since she executed her will in 1996, one on Edisto known as “Bailey’s Island” and one in Mt. Pleasant known as “Paradise Island.” Both of these properties were undeveloped at the time of her passing.
The terms of the will
Section 10 of the will gives broad discretion to the personal representatives to make distributions “[w]ithout the consent of any beneficiary… in cash or in specific property, real or personal, or an undivided interest, or partly in cash and partly in such property… without making pro-rata distributions of specific assets.” In other words, as long as the distribution was fair according to the will, the personal representatives could distribute the assets as they saw fit without permission from the heirs.
The residuary clause stated “[a]ll the rest, residue and remainder of my property and estate… I give, devise and bequeath to [all six children] in equal shares.” The two properties acquired after the execution of the will (Bailey’s and Paradise) went into the residuary estate, as did the Lake Summit property, since the two sons were barred from inheriting it after stealing from the estate. The Wadmalaw Island went to the Petitioners, as originally directed in the will.
The proposed distribution by Petitioners
As personal representatives, Petitioners had the estate’s properties appraised and made the following distribution proposal for the assets in the residuary estate:
- Lake Summit, NC appraised at $1,100,000, to split between the two Petitioners
- Bailey’s Island appraised at $725,000, to split between Petitioners and Respondent, with Respondent owning the majority of it
- Paradise Island appraised at $390,000, to split between Petitioners and Respondent
No parties dispute the appraised values of the properties or that the proposed distribution would give equal monetary value to the heirs. Instead, Respondent objected to the way the Lake Summit property was distributed, with ownership going to Petitioners and no share going to Respondent.
Probate Court, Circuit Court, and Appeals Court
The matter went before three lower courts before going before the supreme court. All three came to the same ultimate conclusion that the proposed distribution was not fair and equitable and must be altered.
Probate Court
The matter first went before a probate court, where Respondent argued that the proposed distribution was not fair and equitable. Respondent argued that Petitioners needed to take certain intangibles into account when deciding how to divide the assets, such as the fact that the Lake Summit property was both a family vacation home that had been in the family for decades and a rental property that produced income, while the Bailey’s Island and Paradise Island properties were undeveloped lots.
The Petitioners argued that the appraised values of the properties already took these facts into account, that the proposed distribution was equal, and that Section 10.6 of the will explicitly gave them broad powers to distribute the estate’s assets as they saw fit.
The probate court ruled that each of the three parties should receive an equal ownership in all three properties. It relied on the language in the residuary clause that stated property should be distributed “in equal shares,” interpreting this to mean that all parties should have equal ownership. Petitioners made a motion to reconsider, arguing that 10.6 gave them broad discretionary powers, which the probate court denied. It interpreted Testatrix’s intention as section 10 giving those broad powers only to the distribution of specific assets, not assets in the residuary estate.
Circuit Court
The circuit court upheld the probate court’s finding. It stated that even considering the broad powers granted by section 10 of the will, Petitioners had to treat all beneficiaries fairly and equitably, and they must take “non-economic considerations such as sentimental value, utility, and other intangible factors” into their proposed distribution. It also stated that the proposed distribution “fails the test of equity and good faith” because the Petitioners were favoring themselves by “cherry pick[ing]” the assets they wanted, rather than distributing them equally. It held that the Petitioners were in breach of fiduciary duty.
Appeals Court
The appeals court affirmed the circuit court’s decision. In an unpublished opinion, it held that a “plain reading of the Will supports the probate court’s contention that Article 10.6 referred to the Will’s grant of specific property, not the Residuary Estate.”
The Supreme Court of South Carolina Reverses and Remands
The case went before the SC Supreme Court, which went against the probate court, circuit court, and appeals court, ultimately reversing and remanding to the probate court.
The issue before the court was “Whether the court of appeals erred in affirming the probate court’s decision to reject the personal representative’s proposal and instead dividing the Lake Summit property in pro-rata ownership shares?”
The court’s discussion centered around two issues: Testatrix’s intentions and how Section 10.6 applies to the will; and breach of fiduciary duty.
Testatrix’s intentions and how section 10.6 applies
The court states that rather than picking out and reading individual provisions in a will “in isolation” or “elevating” them above the rest, the entire document should be read in a way such that disparate sections are “harmonized.”
In this case, that means that Section 10.6 is “equally important and must be honored,” and it remains in effect even for assets that go through the residuary estate. The probate court’s conclusion that section 10.6 applied only to specific bequests and not to assets in the residuary estate is “exactly backwards,” says the court. Nothing in the will nor in South Carolina’s jurisprudence limits these powers to specific bequests only.
Further, it’s in the distribution of the residuary estate assets where section 10.6 would matter most, since the personal representatives were bound to carry out the specific bequests as directed and would only be able to exercise their broad discretionary powers distributing other assets. “Indeed, section 10.6 would be meaningless if the broad powers of the personal representatives did not apply to the residuary estate,” writes the court.
The language of the will is clear in giving personal representatives broad powers to carry out its terms, including the ability to make distributions “without the consent of any beneficiary” and “without making pro-rata distributions” (i.e., equal shares) “of specific assets.”
Ultimately, Petitioners here have the power to make the distributions as proposed, and “absent a breach of fiduciary duty, their proposed distribution should be upheld.”
So the next question is, was there a breach of fiduciary duty?
Breach of fiduciary duty
The supreme court says no.
First, the court notes that none of the three courts were specific in what constituted the breach of duty on the part of Petitioners.
The burden of proof is on the party bringing a claim of breach of fiduciary duty. But, the court says, the burden of proof was (incorrectly) reversed in this case, when the circuit court affirmed the probate court, and then when the appeals court stated that the proposed distribution “would be inequitable because there is no reasonable purpose for their proposal.”
But it is not up to Petitioners to prove they have a “reasonable purpose” for their proposal; instead, the supreme court writes, “the burden was on the Respondent to show that the proposed distribution was unfair or inequitable, which she did not do and likely could not do in light of her stipulation that the proposed distribution was of equal monetary value.” It states that Respondent was “entitled to nothing more than a monetary equal distribution of the residual estate.” This is a different interpretation than the lower courts had of the phrase “equal share” in the will’s residuary clause.
The court also notes that the behavior of the Petitioners here “looks nothing like” that of personal representatives who have been found to be in breach of fiduciary duty. It cites two such cases: Turpin v Lowther, 2013, in which a personal representative secretly negotiated with a third party to purchase a property which beneficiaries had an interest in; and Moore v Benson, 2010, in which a trustee took funds from her father’s retirement account and used it to buy his property.
Finally, the court says it doesn’t accept the argument that sentimental value and other intangibles must be taken into consideration when distributing an estate’s assets, as “this would place an untenable burden of personal representatives and provide an unworkable framework going forward.”
But it says that even if the court accepted that argument, the claim still fails – Respondent (Testatrix’s stepdaughter from her second husband’s prior marriage) was an adult when the family acquired the Lake Summit property, while Petitioners (daughters of Testatrix and her second husband) spent summers there growing up. If sentimental value accounted for anything, it would favor Petitioners over Respondent.
In conclusion, the supreme court reverses the appeals court and remands to probate court to approve the Petitioners’ proposed distribution.
Key Takeaways: Good Lessons for Personal Representatives and Testators
There are some good lessons here in the supreme court’s decision for personal representatives in South Carolina.
Do not take intangibles into account when distributing assets. Attaching a monetary value to things like sentimental value is not necessary and creates an untenable burden for personal representatives, the supreme court found.
Adhere to the terms of the will when distributing assets to yourself. As a fiduciary, you can be found in breach of fiduciary duty if you give yourself an advantage to the detriment of another beneficiary when distributing assets to yourself. Reduce the likelihood of a claim against you by being even-handed and above board and by following the terms of the will to the letter.
Act in good faith. It is possible to be found in breach of fiduciary duty due to an innocent mistake, but it’s much more likely in instances of malicious intent. Act in good faith in your dealings as a personal representative and never forget your duty to do what is in the best interest of the estate and its heirs.
South Carolina testators can learn some lessons here, too.
Keep your will current. Update your last will after major life events like the birth of a child, death, or divorce; after acquiring significant property; and after relevant changes in the law. An entirely new will is often not needed, as many matters can be addressed in a codicil to the will. (Had Testatrix directed where the Bailey’s Island and Paradise Island properties should go in her will, this entire situation might have been avoided.)
Be specific to ensure your will reflects your wishes. The more specific the language in your will is, the less the courts have to guess what your intentions were, if it ever goes to court. (What did Testatrix mean by “equal shares” in the residuary clause? Did she mean equal ownership, as the lower courts interpreted it, or would equal monetary value suffice, as the supreme court interpreted it?)
Create or Update Your Last Will in South Carolina
If you don’t have a current will, now is the time to get one. A last will is a gift to your family that can help avoid conflict once you’re gone, and it ensures that your estate will be settled according to your wishes rather that the state’s procedures.
Call estate planning attorney Gem McDowell. He and his team at the Gem McDowell Law Group help people in South Carolina create estate planning documents including last wills, trusts, and powers of attorney. He can advise you on how best to protect your assets and maintain family relations after you’re gone. If you need help settling an estate in South Carolina, Gem is an experienced probate attorney as well. Call Gem at his Mt. Pleasant office at 843-284-1021 today.
I’m a Personal Representative – Now What? Rights, Roles, Responsibilities, and Risks
An important part of creating a last will is naming a personal representative (executor) to handle matters once the testator or testatrix has died.
But what does a personal representative in South Carolina do? If you’ve been named a personal representative in a last will in South Carolina, or someone has asked if you’d be willing to take the role, you should know what’s expected.
Personal representatives have certain rights, roles, and responsibilities under the law, and face potential risks, which we’ll cover here. But first, we’ll look at when you may want to hire a probate attorney to help you perform your duties.
Do I Need to Hire a Probate Attorney in South Carolina?
In South Carolina, there is no legal requirement for a personal representative to hire an attorney in order to settle an estate. However, you may want to.
Settling the decedent’s estate may be a small, straightforward job or a long, complicated one. If you’re the personal representative of a small estate with few heirs, you may feel comfortable completing the job yourself.
But if the estate is large and complex, or if there are several heirs and beneficiaries with contentious personalities and relationships, you should strongly consider working with a probate attorney to help you carry out all the duties listed below. A probate attorney knows what to do, saves you time, and helps you avoid mistakes that could be costly to the estate or even to you, personally (more on that below). And if you expect family drama, a probate attorney can help keep familial relations congenial while acting as a “buffer” between you and the conflict.
Since probate attorneys are paid out of the estate, it doesn’t cost you anything out of pocket; however, it does also mean the value of the estate will be diminished somewhat.
Learn more about probate in South Carolina here.
Rights of the Personal Representative in South Carolina
The personal representative has many more responsibilities than rights, but one right they do have under South Carolina law is the right to compensation paid out of the estate. SC Code § 62-3-719 states that a personal representative is entitled to a minimum of $50, regardless of the estate’s value, up to a maximum of 5% of the estate’s value. In some cases, the court may approve additional compensation “for extraordinary services.” The personal representative may waive their right to compensation.
The personal representative also has a right to be reimbursed for expenses they incur settling the estate.
Role of the Personal Representative
The role of the personal representative is to distribute the estate of the deceased person according to the terms of their will. (If there is no will, the court appoints an administrator to handle the estate. Read more about dying intestate – without a will – in South Carolina here.)
The tasks for a personal representative in South Carolina to carry out include:
- Locating and listing decedent’s assets including bank accounts, securities, and real property
- Settling outstanding debts and giving notice to potential creditors of the decedent’s death
- Paying outstanding taxes and bills, including funeral expenses
- Distributing assets according to the terms of the will to heirs and beneficiaries
- Filing lawsuits if necessary
- Closing out the estate
To an extent, the will may partially define the role of the personal representative. It may be very prescriptive in how the personal representative is in carrying out their role, or it may give them more leeway in how to distribute assets. But regardless of how much leeway the will gives a personal representative, the tasks they must carry out remain the same.
Responsibilities and Risks of the Personal Representative
All personal representatives have a legal responsibility to act in the best interests of the estate and its heirs and beneficiaries rather than themselves. A personal representative is a fiduciary, with a fiduciary duty to the estate and its heirs and beneficiaries.
Since the personal representative is often an heir to the estate, this can lead to sticky situations where they are responsible for distributing assets to themselves in a way that’s fair and doesn’t benefit themselves at the expense of another heir.
When is a personal representative within their rights to distribute desirable assets to themselves, and when does that cross over into the territory of breach of fiduciary duty? That’s a judgment call that sometimes must be decided by the court. See this blog on the SC Supreme Court case of Bennett vs Estate of King, 2022, for a real-life example.
Breach of fiduciary duty encompasses clearly wrong actions like intentionally stealing money from the estate. But there need not be malicious intent; something like failing to pay outstanding taxes on time or distributing assets before all creditors are paid can be considered a breach of fiduciary duty, too.
A beneficiary or unpaid creditor who has suffered a loss from the personal representative’s actions or mismanagement of the estate may bring a civil claim against them. A personal representative may be found personally liable for damages caused, meaning you as the personal representative could be responsible for using your own money to make up for any mistakes and mismanagement. For this reason alone, working with a probate attorney is a good idea, since it minimizes your risk of personal liability.
Estate Planning in South Carolina
For help settling an estate in South Carolina, contact estate planning and probate attorney Gem McDowell. Gem and his team at the Gem McDowell Law Group help people across South Carolina with probate and estate planning, including creating last wills, trusts, and powers of attorney, for estates large and small. Call Gem at his Mt. Pleasant office at 843-284-1021 today.
How is Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship Created and Severed in South Carolina?
One of the key benefits of holding property with someone as joint tenants with rights of survivorship is that when one cotenant dies, his/her share in the property automatically passes to the surviving cotenant(s). The property doesn’t pass through probate and it’s not subject to the decedent’s last will.
This makes joint tenancy with rights of survivorship (JTWROS) a popular choice for married and partnered couples. A common scenario is when one spouse dies, the surviving spouse stays in the home they had shared together, which is what most couples intend.
But JTWROS is no guarantee that this scenario will play out. If the joint tenancy is severed, the surviving cotenant automatically loses his/her rights of survivorship. He/She may even find himself/herself forced out of the home he/she shared for years with his/her partner/cotenant, if a court orders the partition and sale of the property.
That’s exactly what happened to Bradford Q. Jeffcoat, Jr., as described in Williams v Jeffcoat (find it here) which went before the South Carolina Court of Appeals in 2021. It’s an interesting case that delves into how JTWROS can be created and severed in South Carolina. If you currently own, or plan to own, property with another person as joint tenants, you should be aware of the court’s ruling in this case.
Williams v Jeffcoat Background
Jeffcoat and Sandra P. Perkins were domestic partners for twenty years. Together, they owned some real estate in Charleston that they held “jointly with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common,” as per the deed. They lived there together from 2000 to 2015.
Starting in 2009, Perkins began suffering advanced dementia. By 2015, her condition had deteriorated to the point where Jeffcoat asked Perkins’ only child, Vanessa Williams, for help. Williams cared for her mother and took her back with her to her home in Alabama in June 2015.
Williams petitioned the Alabama Probate Court to appoint her conservator and guardian of her mother, which it did in September 2015. (Perkins had previously made Williams her agent in a durable power of attorney and a health care power of attorney.)
In November, Williams transferred her mother’s one-half interest in the Charleston property to herself in her capacity as her mother’s conservator. She then sought the partition and sale of the property. Her mother died this same month.
Both Williams and Jeffcoat filed motions for summary judgment. The case was heard by a master who granted Williams’ motion for summary judgment in June 2018 compelling the partition and sale of the Charleston property. Jeffcoat appealed.
Two issues were up for review: One was whether the Alabama Probate Court had subject matter jurisdiction to appoint Williams guardian and conservator for her mother; the SC Court of Appeals affirmed that it did. We won’t go into that issue further here, since our focus is joint tenancy with rights of survivorship. The other issue was whether the master erred in granting Williams’ motion for summary judgment compelling partition and sale.
To answer this second issue, the SC Court of Appeals went into detail in its opinion on how JTWROS are created and severed in South Carolina.
Creating Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship in South Carolina
Joint tenancy can be established in SC either through statute or common law, states the SC Court of Appeals in the Williams v Jeffcoat opinion. People or parties that wish to own property together as joint tenants can do so by including the following words in the deed after their names: “as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, and not as tenants in common.” (“Tenants in common” is the other main way to hold property jointly in South Carolina, and there is also a third, less used alternative called “tenants in common with a right of survivorship” which you can read about on our blog here.)
Ending or Severing Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship Under Statute in South Carolina
A joint tenancy with rights of survivorship can be severed in a number of ways under South Carolina law. Here are relevant parts of in SC Code 27-7-40 (and the full text is copied at the bottom of this blog post for reference as well):
(a) In addition to any other methods for the creation of a joint tenancy in real estate which may exist by law, whenever any deed of conveyance of real estate contains the names of the grantees followed by the words “as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, and not as tenants in common” the creation of a joint tenancy with rights of survivorship in the real estate is conclusively deemed to have been created. This joint tenancy includes, and is limited to, the following incidents of ownership:
(i) In the event of the death of a joint tenant, and in the event only one other joint tenant in the joint tenancy survives, the entire interest of the deceased joint tenant in the real estate vests in the surviving joint tenant, who is vested with the entire interest in the real estate owned by the joint tenants.
[…](v) If real estate is owned by only two joint tenants, a conveyance by one joint tenant to the other joint tenant terminates the joint tenancy and conveys the fee in the real estate to the other joint tenant.
[…](vii) Any joint tenancy in real estate held by a husband and wife with no other joint tenants is severed upon the filing of an order or decree dissolving their marriage and vests the interest in both the parties as tenants in common, unless an order or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction otherwise provides.
(viii) The interest of any joint tenant in a joint tenancy in real estate sold or conveyed by a court of competent jurisdiction where otherwise permitted by law severs the joint tenancy, unless the order or decree of such court otherwise provides and vests title in the parties as tenants in common.
(ix) If real estate is owned by two or more joint tenants, a conveyance by all the joint tenants to themselves as tenants in common severs the joint tenancy and conveys the fee in the real estate to these individuals as tenants in common.
[…](c) Except as expressly provided herein, any joint tenancy severed pursuant to the terms of this section is and becomes a tenancy in common without rights of survivorship. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to create the estate of tenancy by the entireties. Nothing contained in this section amends any statute relating to joint tenancy with rights of survivorship in personal property but affects only real estate. The provisions of this section must be liberally construed to carry out the intentions of the parties. This section supersedes any conflicting provisions of Section 62-2-804.
In short, death, divorce, or sale/conveyance of a joint tenant’s interest in the property are the ways in which a JTWROS can be severed under SC law. The joint tenancy then converts to tenancy in common (if multiple cotenants remain) or sole ownership (if just one owner remains).
The Williams v Jeffcoat Decision Allows JTWROS to be Severed Under Common Law in South Carolina
In South Carolina, JTWROS can also be severed under common law, ruled the SC Court of Appeals in Williams v Jeffcoat.
Jeffcoat argued that SC Code 27-7-40 prohibits one cotenant from conveying his/her interest in the property to a third party, which would mean that the joint tenancy he shared with Perkins was not extinguished and that the master erred in granting Williams’ motion for summary judgment.
If you read the above statute closely, you might have noticed that conveyance of a joint tenant’s interest to a third party was not one of the methods for severing a joint tenancy listed under subsection (a). Furthermore, the last line of subsection (a) states “This joint tenancy includes, and is limited to, the following incidents of ownership” (emphasis added).
The SC Court of Appeals concedes that the statute does contain “limiting language” but finds that this “does not prohibit common law methods of severance but rather addresses the language below detailing a cotenant’s rights in the property upon a cotenant’s death and subsequent to any conveyances between the cotenants themselves.” In its decision, the court stresses the need to interpret language not in isolated phrases but as part of the whole statute and in light of the intent of the General Assembly. The court also relies on precedent set previously by the South Carolina Supreme Court in Smith v Cutler (2005), in which it stated, “Unlike a tenancy in common with a right of survivorship, a joint tenancy with a right of survivorship is capable of being defeated by the unilateral act of one joint tenant.”
Under common law, the court writes, a JTWROS requires the four unities to be valid: the unities of interest, title, time, and possession. Unity of interest means all joint tenants have an equal interest in the property. Unity of title means all joint tenants are made cotenants and owners by the same document. Unity of time means all joint tenants receive their interest in the property at the same. Unity of possession means all joint tenants have a right of possession of all parts of the property without restriction.
If one of those elements is destroyed, so is the joint tenancy – and the rights of survivorship along with it.
Therefore, under common law, when a cotenant conveys their interest in the property to a third party, the joint tenancy is severed. Williams’ conveyance of her mother’s one-half interest in the Charleston property did sever the joint tenancy and extinguish Jeffcoat’s rights of survivorship, and the SC Court of Appeals affirmed the master’s decision to grant Williams’ motion for summary judgment compelling the partition and sale of the Charleston property.
Note that this is a decision from the South Carolina Court of Appeals, and so there is still a possibility that it could be appealed to the South Carolina Supreme Court.
Protecting Your Interests with Smart Estate Planning
Smart estate planning can help you protect your assets now and ensure that your wishes are carried out once you’re gone. One challenge is to think through all the possible ways things could go wrong in the future and protect against them now. It’s probable that Jeffcoat assumed he would inherit Perkins’ half of the property they shared together, and he never considered the possibility of her interest in the property being conveyed away before her death. Otherwise, he might have been able to take steps to protect against that happening.
For smart estate planning in South Carolina, call estate planning attorney Gem McDowell. He and his team at the Gem McDowell Law Group can help you with important estate planning documents like last wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and more, all tailored to you and your specific circumstances. More importantly, he’s a problem solver who can help you understand difficulties that could arise in the future and what can be done now to avoid them. To schedule a free consultation, call Gem at his office in Mt. Pleasant, SC at 843-284-1021 today.
Addendum: Full Text of SC Code 27-7-40 Creation of joint tenancy; filing; severance
(a) In addition to any other methods for the creation of a joint tenancy in real estate which may exist by law, whenever any deed of conveyance of real estate contains the names of the grantees followed by the words “as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, and not as tenants in common” the creation of a joint tenancy with rights of survivorship in the real estate is conclusively deemed to have been created. This joint tenancy includes, and is limited to, the following incidents of ownership:
(i) In the event of the death of a joint tenant, and in the event only one other joint tenant in the joint tenancy survives, the entire interest of the deceased joint tenant in the real estate vests in the surviving joint tenant, who is vested with the entire interest in the real estate owned by the joint tenants.
(ii) In the event of the death of a joint tenant survived by more than one joint tenant in the real estate, the entire interest of the deceased joint tenant vests equally in the surviving joint tenants who continues to own the entire interest owned by them as joint tenants with right of survivorship.
(iii) The fee interest in real estate held in joint tenancy may not be encumbered by a joint tenant acting alone without the joinder of the other joint tenant or tenants in the encumbrance.
(iv) If all the joint tenants who own real estate held in joint tenancy join in an encumbrance, the interest in the real estate is effectively encumbered to a third party or parties.
(v) If real estate is owned by only two joint tenants, a conveyance by one joint tenant to the other joint tenant terminates the joint tenancy and conveys the fee in the real estate to the other joint tenant.
(vi) If real estate is owned by more than two joint tenants, a conveyance by one joint tenant to all the other joint tenants therein conveys his interest therein equally to the other joint tenants who continue to own the real estate as joint tenants with right of survivorship.
(vii) Any joint tenancy in real estate held by a husband and wife with no other joint tenants is severed upon the filing of an order or decree dissolving their marriage and vests the interest in both the parties as tenants in common, unless an order or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction otherwise provides.
(viii) The interest of any joint tenant in a joint tenancy in real estate sold or conveyed by a court of competent jurisdiction where otherwise permitted by law severs the joint tenancy, unless the order or decree of such court otherwise provides and vests title in the parties as tenants in common.
(ix) If real estate is owned by two or more joint tenants, a conveyance by all the joint tenants to themselves as tenants in common severs the joint tenancy and conveys the fee in the real estate to these individuals as tenants in common.
(b) The surviving joint tenant or tenants may, following the death of a joint tenant, file with the Register of Deeds of the county in which the real estate is located a certified copy of the certificate of death of the deceased joint tenant. The fee to be paid to the Register of Deeds for this filing is the same as the fee for the deed of conveyance. The Register of Deeds must index the certificate of death under the name of the deceased joint tenant in the grantor deed index of that office. The filing of the certificate of death is conclusive that the joint tenant is deceased and that the interest of the deceased joint tenant has vested by operation of law in the surviving joint tenant or tenants in the joint tenancy in real estate.
(c) Except as expressly provided herein, any joint tenancy severed pursuant to the terms of this section is and becomes a tenancy in common without rights of survivorship. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to create the estate of tenancy by the entireties. Nothing contained in this section amends any statute relating to joint tenancy with rights of survivorship in personal property but affects only real estate. The provisions of this section must be liberally construed to carry out the intentions of the parties. This section supersedes any conflicting provisions of Section 62-2-804.
Source: South Carolina Legislature website
What Powers Does a Power of Attorney Give Me?
A power of attorney (POA) is a document that authorizes a person (the “agent” or “attorney in fact”) to act on behalf of another person (the “principal”). Different kinds of POAs grant different kinds of authority. (For more on the basics of the financial power of attorney, the health care power of attorney, and the difference between limited, general, durable, and springing powers of attorney, check out this blog.)
If you’ve been named as an agent in a power of attorney, or if you are the principal, you might be wondering exactly what powers a power of attorney grants.
The answer is that it depends. The exact powers you have as an agent, or grant as a principal, depend on the wording of your power of attorney. That’s why it’s important to know exactly what’s in your POA(s). Sometimes the powers granted come down to the interpretation of just a word or two, as one woman who signed a document on behalf of her father discovered in a recent South Carolina Supreme Court case, Arredondo v. SNH SE Ashley River Tenant, LLC (read the opinion here). That case is discussed in detail below to show just how important the language in your estate planning documents can be.
But first, here are some examples of powers that POAs commonly grant to agents.
Powers Commonly Granted by a Power of Attorney
Different types of POAs grant different types of powers. Here are some examples.
A health care power of attorney, also called a medical power of attorney, may include the power of the agent to:
- Make decisions about the principal’s treatment, medication, surgery, pain relief options, and other care
- Discharge the principal from the hospital or other facility
- Access the principal’s medical records
- Sign documents related to the principal’s care
A financial power of attorney (which may be “general” or “durable”) may include the power of the agent to:
- Open, close, and access bank accounts and other financial accounts
- Buy and sell the principal’s property, like their house or stocks and bonds
- Collect debts owed to the principal and settle debts owed by the principal
- Financially care for principal’s family with assets from the principal’s estate
- Sign legal documents
Note that these lists are not exhaustive.
Both types of POAs typically include language to the effect that the agent must act in the best interest of the principal. Generally, the agent is not held liable for mistakes made in good faith when carrying out their role as agent.
Words Matter: Close Reading of Powers of Attorney in Arredondo
Remember that the bullet points above are just examples of the types of powers that POAs can grant. Because POAs are not standardized documents, it means that the exact powers granted depend on the exact wording in an individual power of attorney. Arredondo v. SNH SE Ashley River Tenant, LLC is a case in point. At the heart of the matter is whether a woman was authorized under a POA to sign an arbitration agreement on behalf of her father.
We’re going into detail here in order to show just how important individual words and phrases can be in legal documents. It’s also an interesting look at the way different courts in South Carolina interpret the same language to come to different conclusions.
The Background
In October 2012, Thayer W. Arredondo placed Hubert Whaley, her 84-year-old father suffering from dementia, into an assisted living facility in Charleston owned by the Respondents in the case. At the time her father was admitted, Arredondo had authority to act as her father’s agent under two separate powers of attorney, a General Durable Power of Attorney (GDPOA) and a Health Care Power of Attorney (HCPOA).
As her father’s agent, she signed several documents when they first arrived at the facility. She signed more a while later, including an arbitration agreement. The agreement waived the right to a trial by judge or jury and required arbitration for claims over $25,000, barred appeals, prohibited punitive damages, limited discovery, and gave Respondents the unilateral right to amend the agreement.
The Lawsuits
In February 2014, Whaley was admitted to Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital where he died six days later. Arredondo brought a wrongful death claim against Respondents, stating that the Respondents’ negligence and recklessness caused her father’s death. The Respondents moved to compel arbitration based on the agreement she had signed.
Arredondo argued that 1) the POAs that named her as an agent for her father did not give her the authority to sign the arbitration agreement, so she was not bound by it, and 2) even if they had, the agreement was “unconscionable” and therefore unenforceable.
The circuit court found in favor of Arredondo, ruling that neither POA gave Arredondo the authority to sign the arbitration agreement and that even if they had, the agreement was unconscionable. The South Carolina Court of Appeals reversed this decision, holding that Arredondo did have the authority and that the agreement was not unconscionable.
The case then went to the Supreme Court of South Carolina, which reversed the appeals court’s decision, finding that Arredondo didn’t have authority to sign the agreement under the POAs. It did not address the question of whether the agreement was unconscionable.
Interpreting the Language in the POAs
How is it that the appeals court and the supreme court came to opposite conclusions?
First let’s look at the relevant sections in the POAs.
The general durable POA gave Arredondo the power “To make, sign, execute, issue, assign, transfer, endorse, release, satisfy and deliver any and all instruments or writing of every kind and description whatsoever, whether sealed or unsealed, of, in or concerning any or all of my business affairs, property or other assets whatsoever, including all property, real, personal or mixed, stocks, securities and choses in action, and wheresoever situated, including, without limiting the generality hereof thereto, notes, bonds, mortgages, leases, deeds, conveyances, bills of sale, and assignments, endorsements, releases, satisfactions, pledges or any agreements concerning any transfers of the above or of any other property, right or thing.” (Emphasis added.)
The health care POA gave Arredondo the power “To take any other action necessary to making, documenting, and assuring implementation of decisions concerning my health care, including, but not limited to, granting any waiver or release from liability required by any hospital, physician, nursing care provider, or other health care provider; signing any documents relating to refusals of treatment or the leaving of a facility against medical advice, and pursuing any legal action in my name, and at the expense of my estate to force compliance with my wishes as determined by my agent, or to seek actual or punitive damages for the failure to comply.” (Emphasis added.)
At first reading, these long paragraphs of dense legalese sound (at least to the layperson) like they cover pretty much everything. Surely Arredondo was authorized under one or both of these paragraphs to sign the arbitration agreement in question, wasn’t she?
But the SC Supreme Court’s close reading found that this wasn’t so, and it countered all the arguments of the Respondents and the SC Court of Appeals.
Argument 1: “Choses in action”
The GDPOA contains an old term that comes from common law and isn’t used often in modern law, “choses in action.” The SC Supreme Court defines it here as “a type of property interest or a proprietary right to a claim or debt.” The appeals court interpreted the term broadly enough to encompass the signing of the arbitration agreement. But the supreme court agreed with Arredondo that the appeals court’s definition was too broad, and “the arbitration agreement did not concern a chose in action or any other property right Whaley possessed at the time Arredondo signed it.”
(As a side note, Justice Few wrote a separate concurring opinion making known his dislike of the continued use of the imprecise, “obsolete,” and “antiquated” term.)
Argument 2: “Any other property, right or thing”
The SC Court of Appeals also stated that Arredondo was authorized to sign the arbitration agreement under the GDPOA because the authority it gave her extended to “any other property, right or thing.”
But this short phrase is taken out of context, the supreme court says; a longer reading of the text changes its meaning. Arredondo was given the authority to execute “any agreements concerning any transfers of the above or of any other property, right or thing.” (Emphasis added by the supreme court.) The arbitration agreement was essentially a series of waivers and had nothing to do with transferring any kind of “property, right or thing”; therefore, this language in the GDPOA doesn’t give Arredondo the authority, either.
Argument 3: Title of GDPOA
The Respondents argued that the very title of the POA – “General Durable Power of Attorney” – was intended to give Arredondo broad authority to act as an agent for her father’s care. But the supreme court states that it does not rely on a title, but rather the provisions within the POA to determine what the scope of her authority was, continuing, “Certainly, the GDPOA could have been drafted to give Arredondo the broad power to sign all documents Whaley could sign himself or otherwise do anything Whaley could do himself, but it was not so drafted.”
Argument 4: “Necessary”
Moving on to the HCPOA, the supreme court asked: Was it “necessary” for Arredondo to sign the arbitration agreement in order to act in the best interest of her father’s health?
Arredondo submitted an affidavit in which she said that the facility representative told her she had to sign the arbitration agreement for her father to be admitted. But the Respondents “consistently maintained” that signing the arbitration agreement was not a requirement for Arredondo’s father to be admitted to the facility. And indeed, by the time Arredondo signed the agreement, her father had already been admitted and given a room. At that point, Whaley had statutory protections and could not be discharged from the facility on the basis of Arredondo refusing to sign the arbitration agreement.
Since signing the arbitration agreement was not “necessary,” it was not authorized under this HCPOA.
Argument 5: “Required”
Similarly, was signing the arbitration agreement “required” by the facility to provide the care Arredondo’s father needed?
By the same reasoning above, the answer is no. Whaley was already admitted to the facility before Arredondo signed the agreement, so it could not have been a requirement.
Argument 6: Authority to pursue legal action
The appeals court also held that the clause above gave Arredondo the authority to pursue any legal action in her father’s name, which included signing the arbitration agreement. But the supreme court notes that the language gives Arredondo authority only to pursue legal action to “force compliance,” which is not applicable here. Citing a Kentucky Supreme Court decision Wellner, the South Carolina Supreme Court held that a pre-dispute arbitration agreement was not authorized by the HCPOA as it did not constitute the pursuit of legal action.
The Takeaway: Know What’s in Your POA
The SC Supreme Court went point by point and found that none of the language in either of the powers of attorney gave Arredondo authority to sign the arbitration agreement as her father’s agent, and it reversed the decision of the SC Court of Appeals.
While this ultimately worked out in Arredondo’s favor, it came at the cost of a long legal battle, during which time she was not able to pursue her original claim against the Respondents.
You cannot rely on the South Carolina Supreme Court finding in your favor. The easier thing to do is to know exactly what’s in any POA you sign or that names you as an agent. Don’t assume anything! Read your POA closely and take it to an estate planning attorney to discuss it if you’re unclear.
Personalized Estate Planning and Advice
For help with estate planning in South Carolina, including powers of attorney, call attorney Gem McDowell of the Gem McDowell Law Group. Gem believes that every situation is different and that estate planning documents should be tailored to the individual and family to reflect their unique circumstances.
Gem and his team can help you draft or revise powers of attorney as well as wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents. They can also give advice on contracts and other legal documents before you sign them so you know exactly what you’re signing and you have someone looking out for your best interests. Call the law office, located in Mt. Pleasant and serving the Charleston area and beyond, today at 843-284-1021 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.