When you look for an attorney to work with, you don’t just want someone who knows the law, but someone who can solve problems.

That’s what Gem McDowell is – a problem solver. He’s always been intrigued by puzzles and enjoys the challenge of finding a solution, especially after others have given up. When conventional wisdom says you can’t get from Point A to Point B, Gem will look for a way.

Gem believes that the key to problem solving is understanding the essence of the deal and what people are really after. Someone may say no to A, but what they’re really doing is saying no to B. If you address B, then A ceases to be an issue. By understanding the fundamental nature of the issue and what the parties involved truly want, he’s able to create a positive solution.

Some problems can’t be fixed within the limits of the law. But the law is complex, and many times there are opportunities to work within the law and achieve your objective. It starts by working with an experienced attorney with the right mindset.

Contact Gem McDowell at Gem McDowell Law Group today by calling (843) 284-1021 or by filling out this contact form, and find out how Gem can help find a solution to your problems.