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Category: Estate Planning

How to Disinherit a Spouse in South Carolina Through Elective Share Waiver (Or: Pillow Talk Is Not Enforceable)

A lady came to our offices for help with her estate plan which included setting up a new trust to hold her assets. She planned to leave everything to her...

What Makes an Arbitration Agreement Unenforceable?

Is it easy to get out of arbitration in South Carolina? That’s the question we’ll look at today. Arbitration agreements and clauses are ubiquitous these days, from employment contracts to...

What is Family Malpractice™, and Have You Committed It?

Updated April 2024 Have you committed Family Malpractice™? If you’ve neglected your legal responsibilities regarding your family, then yes, you have. What is Family Malpractice™? You’ve heard of attorney malpractice,...

What Happens to Your Estate If You Die During a Divorce in South Carolina? Spousal Elective Share

Imagine this scenario: Husband and Wife have been married for many years. One day, Wife files for divorce. At a hearing a few months later, the divorce is granted. Husband...

Risks for Personal Representatives: When Distributing Assets Becomes a Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Oftentimes, a personal representative (executor) in charge of settling a decedent’s estate is also a named heir who may be entitled to assets under the terms of the will. In...

I’m a Personal Representative – Now What? Rights, Roles, Responsibilities, and Risks

An important part of creating a last will is naming a personal representative (executor) to handle matters once the testator or testatrix has died. But what does a personal representative...

How is Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship Created and Severed in South Carolina?

One of the key benefits of holding property with someone as joint tenants with rights of survivorship is that when one cotenant dies, his/her share in the property automatically passes...

What Powers Does a Power of Attorney Give Me?

A power of attorney (POA) is a document that authorizes a person (the “agent” or “attorney in fact”) to act on behalf of another person (the “principal”). Different kinds of...

What Does It Take to Prove Undue Influence when Contesting a Will?

Undue influence is one of the most common reasons a last will may be found invalid in South Carolina, along with procedural errors and lack of testamentary capacity. (Read more...

What Is HEMS and What Does it Mean for Trustees?

HEMS is an acronym that stands for Health, Education, Maintenance, and Support. It’s commonly used in trusts as a way to guide and restrict the kinds of distributions that a...
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