Why Charleston Is the Way it Is: How South Carolina’s Annexation Rules Shaped the City
What does the City of Charleston look like from above? That is, what are its boundaries? You might think that the City of Charleston comprises the peninsula, West Ashley to the west, and Daniel Island to the northeast. That would [...]
To Disclose or Not to Disclose? The Importance of Disclosure in Prenuptial Agreements
What are the three most important things when it comes to real estate? That’s right: Location, location, location. Likewise, when it comes to prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, the three most important things are disclosure, disclosure, disclosure! In pre- and postnuptial [...]
Why You Don’t Want to Be a Trustee
I once saw a bumper sticker on a car that said “Smile. You Could Be a Trustee.” I thought it was great because it’s true. Being a trustee can be a challenging, and often litigious, job. In estate planning, the [...]
Can You Be Held Personally Liable for Your LLC’s Debts?
Entrepreneurs who create a limited liability company (LLC) are protected from putting their personal assets at risk for business debts. Right? After all, that’s the main purpose of the LLC. “Limited liability” is even in the name. Well, not always. [...]
Why Common Law Marriage was Just Abolished in South Carolina
Common law marriage will no longer be recognized in South Carolina. In making this determination, the Supreme Court of South Carolina joins the trend of several other states who have already put an end to the practice over the years. [...]
See How South Carolina’s Counties Are Growing and Shrinking
We know that of South Carolina’s 46 counties, some are growing and some are shrinking, but knowing that alone doesn’t tell the whole story. Today we’re going to look a little more in depth at the actual numbers. South Carolina [...]
How Much Money Do People Earn in South Carolina?
In a previous blog, we looked at population trends in South Carolina over the last decade in the context of how that information could impact business owners looking to do business in the state. Today we’re going to look at [...]
Is Your Lawyer Legit?
The legal profession is one of the most heavily regulated professions in the U.S. Every state requires attorneys to be licensed, yet people still practice law when they shouldn’t, which can lead to huge complications for their unwitting clients. If [...]
What Makes a Will Invalid? Common Challenges to a Will’s Validity in South Carolina
We write a lot on this blog about the last will and testament. That’s because it’s an extremely important document to have, particularly when you have a large estate or a complicated family situation. It’s the only legal document that [...]
Want to Make Changes to Your Will in South Carolina? Read This First
We’ve stressed before on this blog why it’s important to have a last will and testament and why you need to keep it up to date. Not doing so can mean that your wishes aren’t carried out, which can lead [...]
Why You Need to Keep Separate Businesses Separate
In the business world, it’s not uncommon for people to own stakes in multiple enterprises and take on various roles in different companies. This doesn’t often cause problems, but it can. When the lines between companies, roles, and interests are [...]
A Closer Look at Transmutation
The issue of transmutation has come up on this blog before, when we did a quick overview of how non-marital property can undergo transmutation to be considered marital property. This issue can be critical in cases of divorce, when assets [...]
What Is A No-Contest Clause and Why Have One in Your Will?
A no-contest clause, also known as an in terrorem clause, is a clause in a will or revocable trust that is intended to prevent parties from contesting the will or trust by penalizing them for doing so. For example, a [...]
The Ongoing Battle over the James Brown Estate
The Godfather of Soul James Brown was born in Barnwell, South Carolina in 1933 and went on to become one of the greatest figures in music of the 20th century in a career that spanned six decades. He received a [...]
9 Reasons You Need a Will
We all know we “should” have a will. But why, exactly? Here are 9 good reasons to have a will. 1 To Maintain Good Family Relations After You Die The main reason to have a will is for your family. [...]