Law Office of Gem McDowell, P.A

Stuck with the Terms: Adhesion Contracts After the Landmark 2024 Huskins Ruling

Adhesion contracts are “take-it-or-leave-it” contracts where the contract-writing party dictates the terms and the contract-signing party has little to no room to negotiate. It’s often a large company writing the contract and an individual consumer signing it. We recently covered the topic in our blog “Can I Get Out of a One-Sided Contract? Adhesion Contracts and Unconscionability in South Carolina,” which you can read here.

The conclusion of that blog was that you usually cannot get out of a contact you signed, and that even if a particular term or clauses is not enforceable, the court may simply sever it and enforce the rest of the contract.

But the recent 2024 South Carolina Supreme Court decision in Huskins v. Mungo Homes, LLC, (read the decision here) changes things.

The Future of Adhesion Contracts in South Carolina

Up to now, parties drafting an adhesion contract in South Carolina had nothing to lose by including terms that were highly favorable to themselves and unfavorable to the signing party. At best, the parties would adhere to the terms as written and unchallenged, to the benefit of the contract-writing party.  At worst, a court might sever the offending term(s) and enforce the rest of the agreement – again, to the benefit of the contract-writing party.

But now, parties insisting on adhesion contracts must be prepared to abide by the contract as written, even to their detriment. In Huskins (2024), the court rejected the idea of severing contract terms that violate public policy in the absence of a severability clause.

This decision will likely affect how companies (in particular, home builders) write their contracts and how courts interpret adhesion contracts in the state moving forward.

That’s the decision and its implications in a nutshell. To understand the court’s reasoning behind this decision, read on.

Brief Background of Huskins v Mungo Homes

Amanda and Jay Huskins (the Huskins) signed a purchase agreement when they bought a house from Mungo Homes, LLC (Mungo) in June 2015. The purchase agreement included the following arbitration clause:

“Each and every demand for arbitration shall be made within ninety (90) days after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen, except that any claim, dispute or matter in question not asserted within said time periods shall be deemed waived and forever barred.”

This clause clearly violates South Carolina law, which typically gives a statute of limitations of three years for such claims, not just 90 days. It also violates South Carolina Code Section 15-3-140 (2005), which renders void contract clauses that attempt to shorten the statute of limitations for claims.

The Huskins filed a complaint over provisions in the purchase agreement, including the arbitration agreement, which they argued violated public policy. The circuit court disagreed; it sided with Mungo and granted its motion to dismiss the complaint and compel arbitration.

On appeal, the appeals court AFFIRMED AS MODIFIED the circuit court’s decision (find that decision here). While it held that the clause limiting claims to 90 days was unconscionable and unenforceable, it also held that the offending section could be severed, allowing the rest of the arbitration agreement to stand.

The South Carolina Supreme Court took up the case in 2024 and REVERSED AND REMANDED the appeals court’s decision. It voided the entire arbitration agreement and remanded the case back to the circuit court.

The Court’s Reasoning

The supreme court went into depth on a number of issues:

Lack of Severability Clause

The court noted that the Mungo Homes contract did not contain a severability clause “or any hint that the parties intended for the arbitration agreement to stand if any part of it fell.”

South Carolina courts are not allowed to rewrite contracts, the court says, and instead are to enforce contracts according to their terms as written: “This is true even when the parties include a severability term. When they do not add such a term, we are reluctant to force one upon them.”

Violation of Public Policy

The appeals court found the clause limiting claims to 90 days was unconscionable and unenforceable.

The supreme court instead found the clause unenforceable because it’s illegal as a matter of public policy. “Because it is unenforceable, we need not decide whether it is also unconscionable. The only question we are left with is whether we should sever the illegal term and let the remainder of the arbitration agreement stand.”

Not Obtained in Good Faith

Courts have routinely stricken illegal parts from contracts and upheld the legal parts. This practice came to the U.S. from English common law and is part of the Restatement (Second) of Contracts.

The Restatement says a court may strike a contract term that’s unenforceable because it violates public policy and enforce the rest as long as:

  1. The part deemed unenforceable is not an “essential” part of the exchange, and
  2. The party that wants to enforce the term “obtained it in good faith and in accordance with reasonable standards of fair dealing”

Comments on the Restatement (Second) of Contracts section 184 says “a court will not aid a party who has taken advantage of his dominant bargaining power to extract from the other party a promise that is clearly so broad as to offend public policy by redrafting the agreement so as to make a part of the promise enforceable.”

Was the Mungo Homes contract term “obtained in good faith an in accordance with reasonable standards of fair dealing”?

The South Carolina Supreme Court says three reasons help in determining intent:

  1. The lack of severability clause
  2. The existence of a merger clause stating the contract “embodies the entire agreement” which can only be modified or amended in writing by the Huskins and Mungo
  3. The fact that it is, at Mungo’s own admission, an adhesion contract

On the third point, the court says: “Mungo wrote the contract and deemed its terms nonnegotiable. Huskins could not even edit it. This forceful proof of Mungo’s intent that the contract not be tinkered with convinces us that we should not rewrite it now.” As an adhesion contract, it’s “highly doubtful” the parties intended severability.

“Skirting” of Public Policy

The contract term shortening the time to 90 days from what’s typically three years is not an ancillary matter, but “a brash push” to use arbitration to do something that South Carolina statute forbids.

The court says that rather than including the arbitration provision as an alternative method to resolve disputes, Mungo included it to cut down the number of disputes entirely by drastically reducing the time frame in which to bring a claim. “We conclude Mungo’s manipulative skirting of South Carolina public policy goes to the core of the arbitration agreement and weighs heavily against severance.”

For Help with Contracts and More

The “take-it-or-leave-it” nature of the purchase agreement originally put the Huskins at a disadvantage, but now “Mungo is stuck with its choice,” in the words of the court.

This case highlights the importance of contracts. You must understand the terms of the contracts you sign. And if you’re the party writing the contract, avoid including terms that violate public policy and consider including a severability clause.

For help with contracts and other business-related legal matters such as creating governance documents, buying or selling a business, or starting a new business in South Carolina, contact Gem McDowell. Gem and his team at the Gem McDowell Law Group help business owners across the state solve problems, avoid mistakes, and grow their businesses, with offices in Myrtle Beach and Mount Pleasant, SC. Call today to schedule your free consultation.

Avoid $591/Day Penalty: Business Owners, File a BOI Report ASAP

UPDATE: FinCEN will not issue fines or penalties for failure to file or update BOI information by the March 21st, 2025, according to a statement put out on February 27th. FinCEN will provide an interim rule no later than March 21st with guidelines on deadlines.

UPDATE 02/25/25: The new deadline to file BOI reports is March 21, 2025, for most businesses, after the February 18th ruling by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in the case of Smith, et al. v. U.S. Department of the Treasury, et al.

If you were supposed to file a Beneficial Ownership Information report by December 31, 2024, but waited to see what would happen in the courts, you now have until March 21st to go ahead and file. Read the original blog post, below, for information on how to do that.

Find the official notice from FinCEN here (PDF), and stay alert for more updates, as FinCEN states it “will assess its options to further modify deadlines, while prioritizing reporting for those entities that pose the most significant national security risks.”

UPDATE: The requirement to file BOI reports is on hold – at least for now. From The National Law Review: “On December 3, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas entered a preliminary injunction suspending enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and its implementation of regulations nationwide.” In response, the Department of Justice issued a notice of appeal on December 5th.

What this means for you: If you have already submitted your BOI report(s), there’s nothing left to do. If you have not yet done so, you may choose to do so anyway or wait and see how the legal proceedings play out. As noted in the article linked above, “reporting obligations may change on short notice,” so make sure to monitor the news for updates. You can also come back to this post, which we will keep updated.

Original post published Nov. 15, 2024:

Attention U.S. business owners: If you are a beneficial owner in a non-exempt company, you must submit a Beneficial Owner Information Report. Depending on when your company was established, you may have 30 or 90 days from when your company was created or until January 1, 2025, to do so.

The penalty for failing to file is steep – over $500 per day in fines and even jail time.

The new reporting requirement is due to the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which was passed in late 2020 after being tacked onto a larger bill (the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021). Here’s what to know about the reporting requirement and what you should do.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I File a Beneficial Owner Information Report?

You can file a BOIR online at

What is a Beneficial Owner Information Report?

A Beneficial Owner Information Report (BOIR) is a required submission to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN, part of the Treasury Department) that contains information on the company and its beneficial owner(s). This information includes full name, address, date of birth, and ID.

What is a “Beneficial Owner”?

A “beneficial owner” is someone who owns or controls at least 25% of the “ownership interests” of the company or someone who exercises “substantial control” over the company.

Who Must File a Beneficial Owner Information Report?

A BOIR must be filed for every “reporting company” which is established in the U.S. or registered to do business in the U.S. and is not exempt (see below for exemptions). This may be an LLC, a corporation, or any other business entity that was created by filing with the secretary of state, as well as some trusts.

Just one BOI report is required per company, regardless of the number of beneficial owners. The report is typically filled out and filed by one of the beneficial owners, such as a member, manager, director, or corporate officer, or an attorney working at or for the company.

Which Companies Are Exempt?

Some companies qualify for an exemption, meaning they are not required to file a BOI report.

These include companies that are already subject to regulatory oversight such as banks, credit unions, insurance companies, and tax-exempt entities. “Large operating companies” are also exempt; under the CTA, a “large operating company” is one with a physical office in the U.S., more than 20 full-time employees, and over $5 million in gross receipts or sales for the previous year as reported on a federal income tax or information return.

Find the full list of the 23 exempt entities on the FinCEN website.

When is the BOIR Due?

Companies formed or established before January 1, 2024 have until January 1, 2025 to submit a BOIR. Update 02/25/25: the new deadline is March 21, 2025 for most companies. Companies that had previously been granted an extension beyond March 21st have until the later deadline, as stated in the February 18th FinCEN notice.

Companies that have ceased to exist but were still in existence as of January 1, 2024 have until January 1, 2025 to submit a BOIR. Update 02/25/25: the new deadline is March 21, 2025. 

Companies formed or established between January 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025 have 90 days to submit a BOIR.

Companies formed or established after January 1, 2025 have 30 days to submit a BOIR.

Is a BOIR Due Every Year?

No, as of now, just one BOIR is required. However, substantial changes must be reported within 30 days with a new BOIR, if, for example, the beneficial owners change or a previously non-exempt company becomes exempt (or vice versa).

What is a FinCEN Identifier?

A FinCEN ID is a unique 12-digit number an individual or entity may use when submitting a BOIR. It is not required. However, if you are submitting multiple BOIRs, a FinCEN ID can help speed up the process by allowing you to submit your personal information just one time rather than repeating it again and again.

What Are the Penalties for Non-Compliance?

According to FinCEN, someone who “willfully” violates the BOI reporting requirements may be fined for each day the violation continues. The amount of the fine adjusts annually with inflation, so what was originally a $500 per day fine was (as of 2024) $591 per day.

Willful violation can also lead to up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Uncertainty Over the Future of the CTA

The stated intention of the Corporate Transparency Act is to reduce money laundering, financing of terrorism, and other financial crimes. However, it has already been challenged in a number of lawsuits, as some see it as intrusive and unconstitutional. The future of the CTA is unclear, as these legal challenges could lead to significant changes in reporting requirements.

But that’s a long way off, if it happens at all. For now, you can stay in compliance and avoid steep financial penalties (and possible imprisonment) by submitting a BOIR for any company in which you’re a beneficial owner.

Protect Your Interests, Avoid Mistakes, and Grow Your Business with Gem McDowell

For legal help and strategic advice on business in South Carolina, contact Gem of the Gem McDowell Law Group. Whether you want to establish, buy, sell, or grow your business, Gem and his team can help. Call the Myrtle Beach or Mt. Pleasant, SC office today at 843-284-1021.

What Is the Legal Rate of Interest in South Carolina in 2025?

On January 6, 2025, the Supreme Court of South Carolina issued an order regarding interest rates on money decrees and judgments for the upcoming year. The legal rate of interest for money decrees and judgments in South Carolina is 11.50% compounded annually for the period between January 15, 2025 and January 14, 2026. (Read the original order in PDF format.)

The rate “is equal to the prime rate as listed in the first edition of the Wall Street Journal published for each calendar year for which the damages are awarded, plus four percentage points, compounded annually,” according to South Carolina Code § 34-31-20 (B) (2020). The law also provides that the SC Supreme Court updates the interest rate every year by January 15th.

Compare with the legal rate of interest in 2024.

Mortgage Due-on-Sale Clauses: What Homeowners Need to Know About Garn-St. Germain

Due-on-sale clauses are common in mortgages. A due-on-sale clause allows a lender to demand payment in full on the balance of the loan when the mortgaged property is sold, transferred, or otherwise affected. Fortunately for everyday homeowners, there are exceptions to when a due-on-sale clause can be enforced, thanks to what’s known as the Garn-St. Germain Act.

The Garn-St. Germain Depository Act of 1982 mainly addressed deregulation of savings and loans institutions and took other measures to modernize the financial sector. But it also provided protection for homeowners by forbidding lenders from requiring payment in full in many common circumstances, such as:

  • Inheritance by a relative
  • Transfer to a spouse or child
  • Divorce or legal separation
  • Taking out a second mortgage or similar loan
  • Renting out the property

If you own interest in a property subject to a mortgage, you should know about due-on-sales clauses and when they can and cannot be enforced. Read on for more specifics on the exceptions listed above and others.

When Mortgage Due-on-Sale Clauses Cannot Be Enforced

The exceptions listed in the Garn-St. Germain Act apply to “residential real property containing less than five dwelling units, including a lien on the stock allocated to a dwelling unit in a cooperative housing corporation, or on a residential manufactured home […]” (*Find 12 U.S. Code section 1701j-3(d) copied in full at the bottom of this post or online here [PDF].)

Situations in which a mortgage’s due-on-sale clause cannot be enforced under the Garn-St. Germain Act:

Transfer of the interest in a property to a family member upon death of the borrower. This is a common situation, as property is often inherited by a spouse, child, or other relative either through a will or other estate planning document or via intestacy laws (i.e., when there is no will). Heirs do not have to worry about satisfying a due-on-sales clause in this case.

Transfer to the surviving joint tenant(s) in a joint tenancy upon the death of the borrower. This situation is common among married and partnered couples in South Carolina who own property as joint tenants with rights of survivorship. When one dies, the property is then wholly owned by the surviving spouse or partner. Lenders cannot enforce a due-on-sales clause when this transfer happens “by devise, descent, or operation of law” – that is, through a will, intestacy laws, or automatically by law.

Note that the statute includes a type of tenant that South Carolina does not recognize, “tenant by the entirety.” Read more about tenancy types in SC on our blog here.

Transfer to a spouse or child. You can transfer your interest in the property to a spouse or child while still alive without having to worry about the due-on-sale clause being enforced.

Transfer to the borrower’s spouse upon divorce or legal separation. If you transfer your interest in the property to your (soon-to-be) ex as the result of the dissolution of marriage, legal separation agreement, or incidental property settlement agreement, the due-on-sale clause cannot be enforced.

Taking out certain loans secured by the property. You can take out a loan that’s subordinate to the primary mortgage without triggering the due-on-sale clause as long as it doesn’t relate to a transfer of rights of occupancy. This includes a second mortgage, a HELOC, or other similar lien or encumbrance.

Renting out the property for no more than a three-year term without the option to purchase. A renter may live in the property for more than three years but should not sign a single lease with a term longer than three years or the lender may be allowed to enforce the due-on-sale clause. Additionally, including an option to buy on a lease of any length means the due-on-sale clause may be enforceable.

Transfer into an inter vivos trust where the borrower remains a beneficiary and the rights of occupancy stay the same. A transfer into an inter vivos trust (also called a living trust) is protected from triggering the due-on-sale clause as long as you are and remain a beneficiary of the trust and occupancy rights don’t change.

Financing household appliances with a purchase money security interest. Getting financing for expensive household appliances through a store’s financing program is often done through a purchase money security interest (PMSI). This specific exception in the Garn-St. Germain Act stops lenders from enforcing due-on-sale clauses when a PMSI is created for household appliances.

In addition to the eight circumstances listed above, due-on-sale clauses are also barred from being enforced upon “any other transfer or disposition described in regulations prescribed by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.”

When Mortgage Due-on-Sale Clauses CAN Be Enforced

We just went over the circumstances in which a lender cannot enforce a mortgage’s due-on-sale clause. But there are still many common situations in which the due-on-sale clause could be enforced, depending on your mortgage’s terms, which you should be aware of. Just some examples include:

  • Inheritance of your interest in the property upon your death by a non-relative beneficiary, including a long-term girlfriend/boyfriend
  • Transfer during your life to someone other than a spouse or child, such as a parent, sibling, or girlfriend/boyfriend
  • Transfer into a trust, except under the specific circumstances described above
  • Renting out the property with a lease that lasts longer than three years and/or provides an option to buy

This list is not exhaustive. If in doubt, speak to your mortgage lender and to an attorney about your situation.

What happens if the due-on-sale clause is enforced? In the worst-case scenario, the lender can begin foreclosure proceedings on the house if the borrower can’t pay. More likely, the new owner(s) can take out a new mortgage that will satisfy the old mortgage. Still, this may not be ideal, especially at times when interest rates are high.

Estate Planning, Problem Solving, and More – Call Gem McDowell

Many people do not read mortgage documents thoroughly before signing, so it can come as an unwelcome surprise to have the mortgage lender demand payment in full on the loan citing a due-on-sale clause. That’s why it’s important to know about the due-on-sale clause and when it can and can’t be enforced.

Smart estate planning can help you avoid unwelcome surprises, save your family headaches, and carry out your wishes now and after you’re gone. For help with wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and more, call estate planning attorney Gem McDowell. He and his team help individuals and families in South Carolina create up-to-date estate plans for smart planning and peace of mind. Schedule your free consultation or appointment at the Myrtle Beach or Mt. Pleasant, SC office by calling 843-284-1021 today.



*Text from the Garn-St. Germain Depository Act of 1982, 12 U.S. Code Section 1701j-3, subsection (d):

(d) Exemption of specified transfers or dispositions

With respect to a real property loan secured by a lien on residential real property containing less than five dwelling units, including a lien on the stock allocated to a dwelling unit in a cooperative housing corporation, or on a residential manufactured home, a lender may not exercise its option pursuant to a due-on-sale clause upon—

(1) the creation of a lien or other encumbrance subordinate to the lender’s security instrument which does not relate to a transfer of rights of occupancy in the property;

(2) the creation of a purchase money security interest for household appliances;

(3) a transfer by devise, descent, or operation of law on the death of a joint tenant or tenant by the entirety;

(4) the granting of a leasehold interest of three years or less not containing an option to purchase;

(5) a transfer to a relative resulting from the death of a borrower;

(6) a transfer where the spouse or children of the borrower become an owner of the property;

(7) a transfer resulting from a decree of a dissolution of marriage, legal separation agreement, or from an incidental property settlement agreement, by which the spouse of the borrower becomes an owner of the property;

(8) a transfer into an inter vivos trust in which the borrower is and remains a beneficiary and which does not relate to a transfer of rights of occupancy in the property; or

(9) any other transfer or disposition described in regulations prescribed by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.

The Omitted Spouse: When the Spouse is Left Out of the Will

What happens if you leave your spouse out of your will? Or your spouse leaves you out of his or her will?

This happens more often than you think. Many couples get married after one or both partners already executed a last will, meaning the new spouse has been unintentionally left out.

But that doesn’t mean the surviving spouse receives nothing. The law provides for the omitted spouse so that he or she is not unintentionally disinherited.

What the Omitted Spouse is Entitled To

Under South Carolina Code section 62-2-301, an omitted spouse is entitled to the same share of the testator’s estate that would have been received had the testator died without a will.

South Carolina intestacy laws determine the share of inheritance in such cases. If the testator dies with no children, the spouse inherits everything (i.e., all the assets subject to probate). If the testator dies with a spouse and children, the surviving spouse is entitled to 50% of the estate. The remaining 50% is divided according to the terms of the will.

The omitted spouse does not automatically receive the assets but must claim his or her share within a certain time frame.

When the Omitted Spouse Provision Does Not Apply – Spousal Elective Share

The purpose of the omitted spouse is to provide for a spouse left out of the will unintentionally.

But what if the spouse was left out of the will intentionally?

Under the same law cited above, if it appears that the omission was intentional or if the testator provided for the spouse through transfers outside of the will, then the omitted spouse provision does not apply.

The surviving spouse may still make a claim for elective share, however. A surviving spouse is entitled to one third of the testator’s probate estate in South Carolina even if the testator intentionally left the spouse out of the will. That’s because the only way to legally disinherit a spouse in South Carolina is to have both partners knowingly sign a waiver of elective share. (Read more about disinheriting a spouse and spousal elective share here on our blog.)

The Solution: An Intentional and Current Estate Plan

Laws regarding omitted spouses and elective share have helped many people who would otherwise have been disinherited. But having a purposeful, up-to-date will and estate plan is better than relying on the law to carry out your wishes.

For help with last wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and other estate planning documents, call estate planning attorney at the Gem McDowell Law Group. Gem and his team help individuals and families in South Carolina create estate plans that take into account unique circumstances, carry out personal wishes, and give peace of mind.

Whether you’ve never had an estate plan drawn up before or your existing plan is in need of a review, Gem and his team can help. Call today to schedule a free consultation virtually or at the Myrtle Beach or Mt. Pleasant, SC, at 843-284-1021.

Can I get Out of a One-Sided Contract? Adhesion Contracts and Unconscionability in South Carolina

UPDATE 03/04/25: In 2024, the Supreme Court of South Carolina took up Huskins v. Mungo Homes where it addressed the issue of adhesion contracts. The takeaway: South Carolina courts will no longer sever illegal or unenforceable terms that violate public policy from an agreement lacking a severability clause, potentially rendering the entire agreement, or substantial sections of it, void. Read more about this important decision here on our blog.

Originally posted Nov. 22, 2024:

Unless you live off the grid, you have almost certainly signed a very long contract full of dense legalese. You probably didn’t even read it. You certainly didn’t attempt to negotiate better terms for yourself. You just signed your name and hoped for the best.

These types of one-sided, boilerplate contracts are known as adhesion contracts, and they’re very common. If you want to lease a car, buy a new build home, enjoy streaming content, or enjoy any other number of products or services, you’ll encounter one. It’s a take-it-or-leave-it situation: accept the contract as is or simply don’t enjoy the product or service.

But what if you discover after signing that you’ve made a big mistake and want out? Can you get out of a one-sided adhesion contract?

Maybe. One way to get out of such a contract is for a court to find the contract terms so one-sided and oppressive they’re considered unconscionable. Today we’ll look at where South Carolina courts draw the line between enforceable and unenforceable with respect to adhesion contracts, and see what the South Carolina Court of Appeals said on the topic in Mart vs. Great Southern Homes, Inc. (2023).

Elements of Unconscionability in South Carolina

A court can find a contract, a clause, or behavior “unconscionable” when it’s so egregious that it shocks the conscience of the court. We’ve covered unconscionability in depth on this blog before when looking at Huskins v Mungo Homes, LLC (2022); read that blog here.

In South Carolina, two elements are required for unconscionability with respect to contract law:

  1. Absence of meaningful choice
  2. Oppressive and one-sided terms

Both elements need to be present for a court to find a contract or its terms unconscionable.

When a clause is found to be unconscionable, the court has the discretion to sever that clause and enforce the rest of the contract as is; render the entire contract unenforceable; or limit the application of the unconscionable clause. (See South Carolina code Section 36-2-302).

Adhesion Contracts in South Carolina and Unconscionability

The question is whether adhesion contracts contain:

  1. Absence of meaningful choice AND
  2. Oppressive and one-sided terms

By their nature, adhesion contracts entail an absence of meaningful choice. The party signing the contract (typically an individual consumer) does not have the opportunity to negotiate terms with the party writing and presenting the contract (typically a large company).

Adhesion contracts are also one-sided by nature. Terms favor the party providing the contract and disfavor the signing party.

The final element to satisfy for unconscionability is “oppressive.”

What’s Considered “Oppressive”?

The 2023 South Carolina Court of Appeals case Mart v. Great Southern Homes, Inc. (find it here) mainly focuses on whether arbitration can be compelled when a single contract contains conflicting arbitration clauses. (The court says yes.) At the end of its decision, the court also briefly addressed the issue of adhesion contracts and unconscionability.

Quoting the South Carolina Supreme Court case Damico v. Lennar Carolinas, LLC (2022), it wrote “a take-it-or-leave it contract of adhesion is not necessarily unconscionable, even though it may indicate one party lacked a meaningful choice. […] Rather, to constitute unconscionability, the contract terms must be so oppressive that no reasonable person would make them and no fair and honest person would accept them.” (emphasis added)

And: “The distinction between a contract of adhesion and unconscionability is worth emphasizing: adhesive contracts are not unconscionable in and of themselves so long as the terms are even-handed.” (emphasis in the original)

In the Mart opinion, the court provides some examples of unconscionable and therefore unenforceable terms from other cases involving home builders:

  • Smith v. D.R. Horton, Inc. (SC Supreme Court, 2016, here): D.R. Horton’s attempts to disclaim implied warranty claims and prohibit monetary damages of any kind; contract terms left relief “to the whim” of D.H. Horton
  • Damico (SC Supreme Court, 2022, here): Lennar’s contract gave Lennar “sole election” to choose the parties for arbitration, potentially forcing purchasers to separately litigate against subcontractors in circuit court
  • Huskins (SC Court of Appeals, 2022, here): The Mungo Homes contract shortened the statutory limitation period to bring a claim from three years (as provided for in state law) to a maximum of ninety days
    UPDATE: The SC Supreme Court found that the term was unenforceable as it violated public law, and therefore the issue of unconscionability was moot. Read more about the 2024 Huskins decision from the Supreme Court of South Carolina here on our blog.

These terms go beyond normal contract terms in favoring the contract-writing party such that the courts ultimately found them “oppressive.”

Be Careful What You Sign

So, can you get out of an adhesion contract? Maybe – but probably not. Even if you’re successful in proving in court that certain contract terms are unconscionable, the court may simply sever those terms and allow the rest of the contract to stand.

The bottom line: If you don’t want to be held to the terms of the contract, simply don’t sign it in the first place. You can’t count on getting out of a contract after the fact.

(And don’t forget that many contracts, including many EUAs and contracts you agree to digitally, give you the opportunity to opt out of arbitration in writing within 30 days, as we previously covered in this blog on arbitration.)

For help with contracts, business law, estate planning, and probate, contact Gem McDowell at the Gem McDowell Law Group. Gem and his team help individuals, families, and businesses in South Carolina from offices in Myrtle Beach and Mount Pleasant. Gem has over thirty years of experience and can help you and your family or your business protect your interests, avoid mistakes, and achieve peace of mind. Call today to schedule your initial consultation at 843-284-1021.

I Want to Be Cremated; Does My Family Have to Follow My Wishes?

The short answer is “Yes, IF…”

Yes, If You Complete a Pre-Need Cremation Authorization Form

South Carolina law (Chapter 8 Title 32) provides that an individual may pre-authorize their own cremation. This pre-authorization is a legally binding agreement between the individual and his or her chosen crematory that gives the crematory permission to cremate the individual’s remains.

You can download the PDF of this form here or find it on the South Carolina Labor Licensing Regulation website here (scroll down to the “Forms” section, click on “Cremation Forms,” and select “Cremation Authorization – Pre-Need”).

This form must be signed in ink by the individual requesting cremation services in the presence of two witnesses. It remains enforceable unless and until the individual provides written notice to the funeral establishment and the crematory.

Are Cremation Wishes in a Last Will Legally Binding?

No. Many people choose to include their last wishes relating to funeral arrangements, burials, cremation, and so on, in their last will, but they are not legally binding. If you live in South Carolina and your wish is to be cremated, you should consider filling out the pre-need cremation authorization form linked above.

Get Help with Estate Planning in South Carolina

What will happen to your assets and your remains when you die? Decide for yourself by creating an up-to-date estate plan to help ensure your last wishes are known and followed after you’re gone.

For help with last wills, living wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and more, call Gem McDowell at the Gem McDowell Law Group in Myrtle Beach and Mt. Pleasant, SC. Gem and his team help individuals and families in South Carolina review and create comprehensive estate plans for peace of mind. Call 843-284-1021 today to schedule a free consultation or get in touch through this form.

What is a Trust Protector and When Do You Need a Trust Protector?

If you know anything about trusts, you have likely heard of the roles of settlor (aka grantor), beneficiary, and trustee. But there’s another role to know about: the trust protector.

Let’s look at what a trust protector is, who can be a trust protector, and the advantages and disadvantages of appointing one for your trust.

What is a Trust Protector and What Does a Trust Protector Do?

A trust protector, or simply “protector,” is an individual or entity whose primary role is to ensure the trust is being carried out in accordance with the settlor’s original wishes. Trust protectors were most commonly seen in asset-protecting offshore trusts in the 1980s and 1990s, but they have since become more popular for all kinds of trusts in the U.S. and many other nations.

What does a trust protector protect against? Depending on the circumstances, the trust protector may protect the trust from various threats or risks including trustee misconduct, mismanagement, or incapacity; disputes among beneficiaries and/or trustee(s); changing laws that adversely affect the trust; ill-advised financial decisions; and more.

Common powers and responsibilities may allow a trust protector to:

  • Oversee trust administration to ensure it’s in compliance with applicable laws and with the settlor’s wishes
  • Require trustee to get trust protector’s consent before taking certain actions such as investing or distributing funds
  • Modify the trustee’s powers
  • Remove or replace trustees
  • Change the beneficiary or beneficiaries
  • Adjust as needed in response to changing circumstances

A trust protector may have all or some of the powers listed above, and more. The exact powers and responsibilities are enumerated either in the trust instrument itself or in a separate document.

Who Can Be a Trust Protector?

In theory, anyone of legal age who is mentally competent can be appointed trust protector, other than a trustee. Even the settlor/grantor may serve as the trust protector (and often does). Entities such as banks, law firms, and corporations may also serve as trust protectors.

In practice, it can be challenging to find the right individual or entity to effectively fill the role. The ideal candidate should have the right experience and knowledge, including knowing relevant state and federal laws, tax and reporting requirements, and the trustee’s powers and responsibilities, for a start. A trust protector should also be an impartial third party with no conflict of interest, meaning the individual or entity should not have any financial stake in the trust or how it’s handled.

Above all, a trust protector should be someone the settlor can rely on to carry out their wishes, which is why settlors often select a family friend or close acquaintance whom they trust implicitly.

Does Every Trust Need a Trust Protector? Advantages of Appointing a Trust Protector

No, not every trust needs one, but we strongly recommend a trust protector in the following situations:

  • A troubled beneficiary. If the beneficiary has issues with drugs, alcohol, or excessive spending, a trust protector – such as a family friend or counselor – can be helpful in finding the right trustee to handle the trust. The two can work together to ensure the trust is not misused.
  • Specific investments. A grantor may wish to appoint a trust protector to help direct the investment of trust assets in a particular “family way” that the trustee might not be familiar with.

Outside of these specific circumstances, here are just some of the main advantages of having a trust protector that any trust can benefit from:

Flexibility to respond to changing circumstances. Changes in family/beneficiary situations, tax code, and estate planning laws can adversely affect a trust. Trust protectors have powers trustees don’t (and legally cannot) have that allow them to alter the trust in response to new circumstances. This can reduce tax liabilities and ensure the trust reflects the settlor’s wishes long after the settlor is gone.

Oversight over the trustee. Trust protectors can also serve as an additional layer of protection against mismanagement by the trustee(s). This is more important than ever, as the powers of trustees have grown over time. Oversight by a third party (the trust protector) can help prevent intentional or unintentional mishandling by the trustee(s) that can harm the beneficiaries’ interests and endanger the trust.

Conflict resolution. Trust protectors can also act as informal mediators when disputes arise. Beneficiaries may fight among themselves, and trustees and beneficiaries often have competing goals, which can lead to strife and litigation. (Read about how one such conflict ended up in the SC Court of Appeals here on our blog.) A skilled trust protector can step in at the first signs of conflict and resolve the matter amicably, potentially avoiding litigation and strained relationships.

Depending on your circumstances and goals, you may gain additional advantages by appointing a trust protector for your trust. This is something to speak with your estate planning attorney about.

What if you didn’t appoint a trust protector in the original trust document? That’s not a problem. A settlor can add a trust protector later.

Downsides of Having a Trust Protector

What are the risks and disadvantages of having a trust protector? Some possible downsides include:

Higher fees. Not all trust protectors are compensated for their role, but some are. Trust protectors who are fiduciaries (with a fiduciary duty to the beneficiary or beneficiaries) are typically compensated. Depending on the terms of the trust, having a trust protector can be expensive and can diminish the trust’s assets.

Potential for challenges. Trusts have been around for centuries, and by now the roles and responsibilities of the grantor/settlor, trustee, and beneficiary are clear. But the role of trust protector is relatively new, and relevant case law in South Carolina is sparse. The potential for lawsuits and legal challenges over a trust protector’s actions shouldn’t be ignored.

Needless complexity. A trust protector may end up bringing conflict, indecision, or poor judgment to the situation. This is why it’s crucial to take the time to select the right trust protector. No trust protector at all is better than an ineffective and incompetent one.

For Help with Trusts and Estate Planning, Call the Gem McDowell Law Group

Trusts are excellent instruments for estate planning, but they can be complex. For help creating or amending a trust, or for advice on appointing a trust protector for your trust, talk with Gem McDowell. Gem helps individuals and families in South Carolina create estate plans tailored to their unique circumstances and wishes. He’s also a problem solver who can help you tackle tricky family or inheritance situations and avoid mistakes.

Call Gem and his team at their Myrtle Beach or Mount Pleasant, SC office today to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation at (843) 284-1021, or reach out to us through this form.

Changing the Rules Mid-Game: What the Connelly v U.S. Decision Means for Closely Held Corporations

If you are a shareholder in a closely held corporation, you need to know about the June 2024 decision from the U.S. Supreme Court case Connelly v. United States (2024). This decision (find it here) could have dramatic consequences for your business and for you, personally, as a shareholder.

Here’s the central issue:

Should life insurance proceeds paid to a closely held corporation to buy out a deceased shareholder’s portion of the business be counted as a non-offsettable asset for the purposes of calculating the decedent’s federal estate taxes?

The U.S. Supreme Court says YES.

The issue is somewhat convoluted. The upshot is that this decision allows the IRS, in some circumstances, to essentially “tax” a portion of previously untaxable life insurance proceeds without directly taxing them. Instead, it’s done by counting the life insurance proceeds as a business asset that cannot be offset, thus increasing the deceased shareholder’s share of the company at time of death and increasing their taxable estate – and possibly creating a federal estate tax liability.

This is a drastic change from what has previously been done. It’s like changing the rules while you’re in the middle of the game; you were expecting to pass Go and collect $200, but now you owe $300.

Below, we’ll look at the background of Connelly and the court’s reasoning, then discuss what it could mean for you and the other shareholders in your closely held corporation.

Note that today’s blog is just an introduction to the topic. Since this decision is so new, it’s not clear how things will shake out; it will take some time for business owners and their attorneys to determine the best course of action moving forward. But for now, we wanted to put this on your radar. We recommend speaking with your own business attorney and/or estate planning attorney about the potential consequences for you if you are an owner in a closely held corporation. (And if you do not yet have a business attorney or estate planning attorney in South Carolina, call us at the Gem McDowell Law Group at 843-284-1021 to talk.)

Connelly vs United States (2024) Summary

Briefly: Michael and Thomas Connelly were brothers and together owned a building supply company, Crown C Supply (Crown). They had an agreement to ensure the business would stay in the family if either brother died. The surviving brother would have the option to purchase the shares first, and if not, then Crown would be required to purchase the deceased brother’s shares. The corporation purchased life insurance policies of $3.5 million on each brother to this end.

Michael died in 2013 owning 77.18% of the business (385.9 of 500 shares) at death, with his brother Thomas owning the remaining 22.82%. Thomas declined to buy the shares, so Crown redeemed them for $3 million, an amount agreed upon by Michael’s son and Thomas.

Michael’s federal tax return for the year of his death was audited by the IRS. As part of the audit, an accounting firm valued the business at Michael’s death at $3.86 million, with his 77.18% share amounting to approximately $3 million. The analyst followed the holding of Estate of Blount v Commissioner of Internal Revenue (2005) that stated life insurance proceeds should be deducted from the value of a corporation when the proceeds are “offset by an obligation to pay those proceeds to the estate in a stock buyout.”

But the IRS argued that Crown’s obligation to buy back the stock did not offset the life insurance proceeds. The $3 million in life insurance proceeds should be added to the assets of the business, the IRS argued, making the total value of Crown at Michael’s death $3.86 million + $3 million = $6.86 million. Michael’s 77.18% share of this larger amount would be approximately $5.3 million, and based on this, the IRS said Michael’s estate owed an additional $889,914 in taxes.

Michael’s estate paid these taxes, and Thomas, as Michael’s executor, later sued the United States for a refund. The case went before the Supreme Court in March 2024.

The Supreme Court’s Reasoning

In its decision, the court states two points that “all agree” on:

  1. The value of a decedent’s shares in a closely held corporation must reflect the corporation’s fair market value for the purposes of calculating federal estate tax; and
  2. Life insurance proceeds payable to a corporation are an asset that increase the corporation’s fair market value.

The question, then, is whether the obligation to pay out those life insurance proceeds offset the asset, effectively canceling itself out.

The Supreme Court’s answer: No.

The reasoning: “An obligation to redeem shares at fair market value does not offset the value of the life-insurance proceeds set aside for the redemption because a share redemption at fair market value does not affect any shareholder’s economic interest.” The court says that no willing buyer would treat the obligation as a factor that reduced the value of the shares.

Also, for the calculating estate taxes, the point is to assess how much an owner’s shares are worth at the time of death. In this case, it was before Crown paid out the $3 million to buy Michael’s shares. Therefore, that $3 million should be added to the value of the business’s assets and income generating potential, valued at $3.86 million.

This decision will likely affect millions of business owners and trillions of dollars. Depending on your personal and business circumstances, it could affect you, too.

What This Means for You: Federal Estate Taxes

The most important thing to know about federal estate taxes is that the laws affecting them can and do change regularly. (This is one big reason it’s important to have your estate plan reviewed regularly to ensure it’s up to date with current law. Read about the unintended consequences of an out-of-date estate plan here on our blog.)

The majority of individuals subject to U.S. taxes who die in 2024 will not be subject to federal estate taxes; only about 0.2% were expected to in 2023, according to a Tax Policy Center estimate. Currently, if an individual dies in 2024 with a taxable estate valued below $13,610,000, no federal estate tax needs to be paid. This amount doubles to $27,220,000 for married couples filing jointly.

But the “applicable exclusion amount” (also called the “unified tax credit” or “unified credit”) has not always been so high. For many years, it was just $600,000. The current unified tax credit amount is set to expire at the end of 2025, after which it will revert to a lower amount (expected to be around $7 million), unless Congress passes more legislation changing it first.

When Michael Connelly died in 2013, the unified tax credit amount according to the IRS was $5,250,000. Valuing his share of the business at death at $5.3 million rather than $3 million meant he had a larger taxable estate and owed additional federal taxes.

What does this mean for you? This makes estate planning tricky. You can’t know for sure when you’ll die or what the applicable exclusion amount will be that year. Depending on the value of your business and your personal assets, your estate may owe federal estate taxes you weren’t anticipating. The bottom line: If you have a buy-sell agreement and it is funded with life insurance, have it reviewed by an attorney ASAP.

What This Means for You: Succession Planning Going Forward

It’s common for shareholders in a family-owned closely held corporation to have buy-sell agreements that would keep the business in the family should a shareholder die. (Read more about buy-sell agreements on our blog here.) To that end, life insurance policies are often taken out on the shareholders to ensure funds are available to buy out the deceased shareholder’s shares at death.

For years, many business owners have had the corporation itself buy and maintain those life insurance policies on each shareholder. The proceeds went directly to the corporation and were not taxed. Additionally, they did not increase the value of the business, and thus the value of the deceased shareholder’s portion, at the time of the shareholder’s death.

Until now.

What does this mean for you? Now that this has changed after Connelly, shareholders in a closely held corporation may reconsider having the corporation purchase and maintain life insurance policies on its owners.

One option suggested in the Connelly opinion is for the shareholders to take out life insurance policies on each other in a “cross-purchase agreement.” The court acknowledges that this comes with its own set of problems, however, including different tax consequences and the necessity for each shareholder to maintain policies on the other shareholders.

Another potential option is to set up a separate LLC to maintain life insurance policies on the shareholders. In the event of a shareholder death, the LLC – not the corporation itself – would buy out the decedent’s share. This is one possible new solution to this new problem, but it is not yet tried and tested.

Finally, shareholders may continue to have the corporation purchase and maintain life insurance policies with the knowledge that each shareholder should create an estate plan for their personal assets that helps avoid federal estate taxes.

Watch This Space

As the dust settles from this decision, we’ll keep on top of it and come back with more information and advice.

Just remember – the law is not set in stone. Congress passes new legislation and courts render decisions regularly that can affect individuals and business owners. It can be hard to keep up with all the changes, which is why it’s important to have an attorney you can rely on to help keep your estate plan current and your business thriving.

Call Gem at the Gem McDowell Law Group in Myrtle Beach and Mt. Pleasant, SC. He and his team help South Carolina individuals and families create and review estate plans to protect assets and avoid family disputes. He also helps with the creation, purchase, sale, protection, and growth of South Carolina businesses through the creation of corporate governance documents, contracts, problem solving, and more. Call 843-284-1021 today to schedule a free consultation or fill out this form. We look forward to hearing from you.

What Happens When Easements Are Abandoned?

What happens if an easement is abandoned? While most easements in South Carolina last indefinitely, abandonment is one way to extinguish an easement. In that instance, the original rights revert to the property owner(s).

This sounds straightforward enough, but, as with many legal matters, sometimes straightforward things get complicated.

Case in point: the 2023 South Carolina Court of Appeals case Myers v. Town of Calhoun Falls (read it here). In short, a railroad line built on properties through the use of easements was abandoned and dismantled, and property owners sought to regain their property rights approximately thirty years later.

Questions the court looked at:

  • Was the railroad properly abandoned, thus giving the court subject matter jurisdiction and authority to declare the easements terminated?
  • Did the property owners wait too long to attempt to regain their rights, and should the doctrine of laches have barred them?

(For a refresher on easements in South Carolina, read more here on our blog.)

Brief Background of Myers vs. Town of Calhoun Falls (2023)

The railroad

Way back in 1878, South Carolina chartered the Savannah Valley Railroad Company to construct a railroad. This necessitated several easements on properties in McCormick County and Abbeville County, SC.

Over the years, the rights to the properties have been conveyed to successors of the Savannah Valley Railroad Company and have been recorded in deeds on the affected properties. The wording in a sample deed presented to the court included language stipulating that the easement was for the purpose of a railroad.

By the 1970s, the railroad was owned and operated by Seaboard Systems Railroad, Inc. (Railroad), which eventually sought permission from the Interstate Commerce Commission to close down the track. Permission was granted, and the railroad was entirely dismantled and removed by the end of February 1980.

Part of the Railroad’s interests in the properties eventually ended up in the possession of the Town of Calhoun Falls and another part in the possession of Savannah Valley Trails, Inc. (SVT), together the Appellants in this case.

The lawsuits

SVT began construction of a walking trail where the railway used to be. Not long after, Annie L. Myers and many other present-day owners of the affected properties (Respondents) took legal action, requesting declaratory relief as to the property rights of the easements. (Separate but similar actions by property owners in McCormick County and Abbeville County were consolidated by the trial court.)

In February 2020, the trial court found that Railroad had abandoned the line, and consequently the easements terminated and the associated property rights reverted to the property owners.

The matter then went to the South Carolina Court of Appeals in 2023.

Proving Abandonment – Which Party Has the Burden of Proof?

SVT argued that the trial court did not have subject matter jurisdiction because Respondents failed to prove the railroad was properly abandoned, meaning the issue was still under the jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation Board (previously the Interstate Commerce Commission, or the ICC).

The railroad had been abandoned as a matter of fact: the track was dismantled and removed, and Railroad sent a letter to the ICC stating that the line was officially abandoned on February 15, 1980. But SVT argued that Respondents did not produce Railroad’s journal entries documenting the abandonment of the line as requested by the ICC, so the abandonment was incomplete.

The appeals court stated that the burden of proof was on SVT to show that the abandonment was incomplete, not on Respondents to show the abandonment occurred in a particular manner. True, the appeals court noted, the record did not include journal entries as requested by the ICC. But neither did the record contain evidence that Railroad did not comply with its requests. SVT did not meet the burden of proof.

Therefore, the appeals court found that the trial court did have subject matter jurisdiction and had the authority to make a judgement on the easements.

Waiting Too Long – Should Laches Have Barred the Respondents’ Claim?

SVT also argued that Respondents’ claims should have been barred by the trial court by the doctrine of laches.

Laches is an equitable doctrine stemming from common law. It is, as described in Hallums v. Hallums (1988) and quoted by the court in the current opinion, “neglect for an unreasonable and unexplained length of time, under circumstances affording opportunity for diligence, to do what should have been done.” In other words, if a party waits too long to take action on a legal issue – like asserting or regaining their rights – they may have lost their chance for good.

Respondents waited approximately 30 years to seek declaratory relief regarding their property rights, despite having the opportunity to do so. The trial court did find this delay unreasonable.

But “The failure to assert a right ‘does not come into existence until there is a reason or situation that demands assertion’” (citing Mid-State Tr., II v. Wright, 1996, quoting Ex parte Stokes, 1971). Additionally, “the party asserting laches must show it has been materially prejudiced by the other person’s delay” (citing the same case).

On this last point, the trial court found that SVT failed to provide evidence demonstrating how Respondents’ delay affected them financially or made them liable if the walking trail were not completed. Since SVT was not able to prove material prejudice due to Respondents’ delay, the appeals court agreed with the trial court that the doctrine of laches did not apply. Respondents were not barred from making a claim.

Get Legal Help from Gem McDowell and His Team

The South Carolina Court of Appeals ultimately affirmed the trial court’s decision granting declaratory relief. The court found that the rights to the properties reverted to the property owners (Respondents) at the time the railroad was abandoned and the easements terminated.

Note that it wasn’t until the property owners took legal action that they secured their rights again. If you are in a similar situation looking to regain full rights to your property after the termination of an easement, don’t expect it to happen automatically. You will likely have to take affirmative action to regain your rights just like Respondents did in this case.

For help with easements and more, contact attorney Gem McDowell at the Gem McDowell Law Group in Myrtle Beach and Mt. Pleasant, SC. Gem has over 30 years of experience handling legal matters in South Carolina, including easement disputes commercial real estate, business law, and estate planning. Call Gem and his team to schedule a free consultation at 843-284-1021 or fill out this form today.

What is a Certificate of Tax Compliance and Why Should You Get One for a Business Closing?

If you are planning on buying or selling a business in South Carolina, or a significant portion of its assets, you need to know what a Certificate of Tax Compliance is.

A Certificate of Tax Compliance is not mandatory in South Carolina, but we strongly advise our clients to get one prior to a business closing because it provides protection to the buyer.

Here’s what a Certificate of Tax Compliance is, how to get one, and how it can protect you.

What is a Certificate of Tax Compliance in South Carolina?

A Certificate of Tax Compliance is a document issued by the South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) that confirms a taxpayer has filed and paid all taxes due.

Any taxpayer in the state – business or individual – may request a certificate, which is valid for 30 days. If the taxpayer is current on taxes, the certificate is typically issued within 7-10 days of the request. If not, the SCDOR gives the taxpayer 30 days to file returns and/or remit payments to become up to date, after which a certificate will be issued. The taxpayer can request an extension if 30 days is not enough time.

How Do I Get a Certificate of Tax Compliance in South Carolina?

To request a Certificate of Tax Compliance (also called a Certificate of Compliance by the SCDOR), fill out Form C-268 and return it to the SCDOR by fax, email, or mail along with a $60 fee. Find the form and get more details on the SCDOR website and in the separate procedure document (PDF).

The request may be made either by the taxpayer (e.g., the business owner/seller) or by a third party (e.g., the prospective buyer) with a Power of Attorney authorizing the third party to request the certificate. Plan to get the certificate no more than 30 days before the business closing.

Why Get a Certificate of Compliance for Business Closings in South Carolina?

As stated above, a Certificate of Tax Compliance is not required by law for a business closing in South Carolina. But it serves an important purpose: it protects the buyer from any liens placed on the business assets due to unpaid taxes at the time of closing.

South Carolina Code § 12-54-124 (2022) states:

“In the case of the transfer of a majority of the assets of a business, other than cash, […] any tax generated by the business which was due on or before the date of any part of the transfer constitutes a lien against the assets in the hands of a purchaser, or any other transferee, until the taxes are paid. Whether a majority of the assets have been transferred is determined by the fair market value of the assets transferred, and not by the number of assets transferred. The department may not issue a license to continue the business to the transferee until all taxes due the State have been settled and paid and may revoke a license issued to the business in violation of this section.

“This section does not apply if the purchaser receives a certificate of compliance from the department stating that all tax returns have been filed and all taxes generated by the business have been paid. The certificate of compliance is valid if it is obtained no more than thirty days before the sale or transfer.” (Emphasis added.)

For just a $60 fee, a Certificate of Tax Compliance offers excellent protection for prospective business buyers, and that’s why we always strongly recommend our clients get one.

Contact South Carolina Business Attorney Gem McDowell

Gem and his team at Gem McDowell Law Group help business owners and employers in South Carolina with business creation, business acquisition and sales, business planning, and commercial real estate transactions. Gem has over 30 years of experience in South Carolina which includes multi-million-dollar real estate transactions, and he and his team have the knowledge and experience to help businesses grow and thrive. The Gem McDowell Law Group has offices in Myrtle Beach and Mt. Pleasant, SC. Call today at 843-284-1021 to schedule a free consultation to discuss your business needs.

How to Disinherit a Spouse in South Carolina Through Elective Share Waiver (Or: Pillow Talk Is Not Enforceable)

A lady came to our offices for help with her estate plan which included setting up a new trust to hold her assets. She planned to leave everything to her kids and nothing to her husband, which she said her husband had agreed to. He never signed anything on paper to that effect, but she insisted that he was okay with the arrangement.

Literally the following week, she died. Her husband then filed for elective share, which is the portion of a deceased person’s estate that a surviving spouse is entitled to by law. There was nothing barring the husband from receiving a portion of his wife’s estate, despite her wishes.

What could the wife have done differently?

Below we’ll look at elective share and how to disinherit a spouse in South Carolina.

Elective Share in South Carolina

A surviving spouse is entitled to a portion of the deceased spouse’s estate under the law regardless of the terms of the deceased spouse’s will. This portion is called the elective share, or spousal elective share. The portion the surviving spouse can claim varies by state; in South Carolina, it’s one third.

The surviving spouse may claim elective share even if the couple was estranged or in divorce proceedings at the time at the time of death. We previously covered a case on this blog in which a surviving spouse was able to claim elective share after the court granted the couple’s divorce, since the husband happened to die in between the court’s decision and the clerk filing and recording the divorce decree. [Read about that case, Hatchell-Freeman v. Freeman (2000) here.]

What the Surviving Spouse is Entitled To

In South Carolina, the surviving spouse is entitled to one third of the deceased spouse’s estate. This third includes assets that are not subject to probate, such as life insurance proceeds, retirement accounts, property owned jointly with right of survivorship, and assets in revocable trusts. The value of these and other interests due to the surviving spouse count towards the elective share first, along with the value of anything that was renounced or disclaimed. Only then is the balance due taken from the probate estate.

Claiming elective share usually means a surviving spouse will inherit assets that would otherwise have gone to other heirs named in the deceased spouse’s will. Because of this, the surviving spouse has a duty under South Carolina code Section 62-2-205(b) to inform recipients of the probate estate whose interests are adversely affected of the time and date of the hearing set to determine elective share.

Disinheriting a Spouse in South Carolina: A WRITTEN Waiver of Elective Share

The laws regarding elective share ensure that a spouse is not easily disinherited.

But an individual can fully disinherit a spouse in South Carolina. This may happen, for example, in blended families when each spouse wants to leave their assets to their own children and knows that the other spouse is financially secure. Or an individual may wish to disinherit a spouse because of estrangement or separation.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to know that drawing up a will or creating an estate plan that intentionally leaves out the spouse is not enough. The couple must take active steps to disinherit a spouse in South Carolina.

Written Waiver of Elective Share

A spouse may voluntarily agree to give up all or part of their elective share. The spouse who is to be disinherited must agree to waive the right to elective share in writing. Such a waiver is often part of a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement but may be a standalone document.

The spouse waiving their right to elective share in whole or in part must be fully aware of what they are giving up. South Carolina code Section 62-2-204 requires that the disinheriting spouse provide “fair and reasonable” disclosures of their property and financial obligations in writing to the waiving spouse.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Estate Planning Attorney Gem McDowell

For legal help and advice on waiver of elective share, prenuptial or postnuptial agreements, probate, or other estate planning concerns, call Gem McDowell of the Gem McDowell Law Group of Mt. Pleasant and Myrtle Beach. Gem and his team help families in the greater Charleston and Myrtle Beach areas create and review estate plans to help ensure their wishes are carried out.

Gem can also help you understand the consequences and potential downsides of your estate plan. Sometimes estate plans created with the best of intentions can lead to unintended consequences, disputes, and fractured relationships between family members and heirs.

If you have a complicated family situation, a large estate, or you simply want a basic estate plan put in place for your peace of mind, call Gem and his team today at 843-284-1021.

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